
I am going travelling and stopping off in South Africa, India and Thailand. Will I need VISA's??

by  |  earlier

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I will be staying in these counties for about 2 months each and I wont be needing to work ou there. Thanx




  1. I would recommend a gun rather than a visa for all 3 countries!

    South Africa - to stop yourself from being car-jacked

    India  - to do a spot of free range shooting

    Thailand to put towards an "operation" to become a he/she!!!

    What a converstion stopper that'll be when u get back

  2. Depending upon where you are from you can stay in SA for 90 days wiithout a visa.

  3. You don't say what country your from here in Thailand to answer your question best to give this information.  If your from a western country you can get a tourist visa good for 60 days and if you plan to stay longer you can extend that an additional 30 days at immigrations for 1,900 baht.  Or you can enter on a visa exempt for 30 days and do a visa run to another country to get an additional 30 days.  You should ask about south Africa and India in their YA section.

  4. It will vary depending on the country you're from, the pupose of your visit and the length of time you're planning on staying. For most people, India requires a visa, Thailand requires a visa for most people who stay over 30 days unless you make a border run within 30 days and in South Africa it depends on which country you hold a passport from. Check the embassy or other websites to see whether you require a visa or not. Good luck.

  5. Hiya, where are you from? India ask for visas from any non Indian passport holder, and Thailand normally give you a tourist visa when you have landed. If you're from the UK I don't think you need a visa for South Africa, but I would double check on their consulate's website.

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