
I am gonna play the "Ouija Board" right now. I bought it from Toys R Us! :]?

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With my brother. Is it fake or real?? Do I need a candle? And I know one of u or many of u will say DONT NO! And Idc becuz I wanna prove if its real or not. bye! oh and do I have to turn the lights off?




  1. It's a silly game and easy to manipulate.There is no devil in it. That's all hooey and superstition. Enjoy it , as goofy as it is.

  2. It is as real as you make it.  The more you believe in it the more real it will seem.  It can be very scary though, especially for people who are young and impressionable.

  3. yeah, you're right.....We are gonna tell you not to use it....Sounds like YOU know what you're doing though, right?....Play with fire and you're gonna get burned. Now there's a "I told you so"...Is that what you really wanted  to hear?

  4. I thought it was fake until it scared the bejsus out of me and trashed that evil board.

  5. Ahhhh!!! Please do come back and update us with your experience. I was the same way when I had bought a Ouija board. The first few times I played it was fun and I used to think that people just made up stories but boy was I wrong. Thinking about the creepy experiences still gives me the chills. I am so glad that we returned that board. My advice to you: only call onto the good spirits and KEEP YOUR RECEIPT so that you can return the board if you end up not wanting it!

  6. Ur going to get possessed


  7. Where did you say you bought it? That's right! It's a TOY. Don't worry about it, just treat it as fun.

  8. you push it with your fingers however some say it is real, also have you seen the exorcist!!!!

  9. They're absolute balony, but can be fun.  Suppose your brother asks "Will I find love?".  You can push the planchette over to the "NO".  That'll take him down a peg.

    Candles not required.

  10. Yes.

  11. Its real. More real then most people think.

  12. Don't do it. My big brother was possessed by one, and it took over two years to get rid of the board. May God be with you.

  13. of course it's fake, its just for fun, you should know that

  14. You need to play by the rules - if you want to mess around with spirits and ouija boards - then you have to play by the rules.

    Lights out!


    Take Serious - its not a "game" like other games.

    Whether fake or not - depends on you & how seriously you do this. If you laugh and joke and leave the lights on and play - then nothing will come of it. If you take it dead serious, then yes, you'll be suprised one will happen.

  15. Don't do it!

    I did, and things have NEVER been the same.

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