
I am good at settling arguments, breaking up fights and listening to people. Can I use this as a career?

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I'd love to be what I think is called is a diplomat. I mean the people who are sent to places where trouble looks likely (whether on the streets or open warfare) and try to talk everyone out of hostilities before anybody gets hurt. Kind of like a mediator or almost a hostage negotiator, I suppose. What I definitely don't want to be is a politician as all they seem to be good at is getting us into trouble!

For example The Troubles were finally brought to an end by talk, with both sides listening (at least if I have my facts right). I would have loved to engineer that- just to get enemies to sit down together and talk- really talk- and listen. So much can be solved by doing this but nobody ever seems to give their brains any exercise, only their trigger fingers- even if I do realise that conflict is sometimes inevitable.

Do I mean a diplomat? If so, how do I get started? I am British if this matters.




  1. Here in the US we call them Negotiators. They are vital in terrorist and hostage situations. If you have a knack, then I suggest you look into the British version of a police academy or FBI/CIA.

  2. Book a Flight to Baghdad and Help the Iraqis to stop fighting each other  

  3. Well you can't be an MP.  Listening to people is something they never do.  

  4. yes, you have the right word..but unfortunately you would need to be employed in the government and know about the politics practised by certain countries.  perhaps you could go to some of the political party meetings and ask for advice from the people there.

    at least that would be a starting point.  also check if any type of job is being advertised as that might be a way into government.

    good luck.    

  5. You pretty much need to be a politician in order to ever be a Diplomat.  They dont just hire people for those jobs based on your CV.  You have to have some political background, and basically be affiliated with whomever is in power to be appointed into one of those positions.  You may be able to look into getting on the Diplomatic staff, but what you will likely end up doing is delivering papers, and arranging schedules, not negotiating the next treaty of Versailles.

  6. Yes! Join the police

  7. Sounds more like you would make a good bar bouncer.

  8. apply to the foreign office in the first instance

    you will have to work your way up the ranks to be a diplomat i fear

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