
I am it normal to not want to go out in public,to be around people?

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I am normally outgoing.But since I lost my first grandchild to stillbirth on August 9,I just do not want to be around anyone.




  1. thats not healthy and you should go talk to a professinal. im sorry for your loss thats terrible but part of this is because you have alot of feelings.

  2. You need to do your own grief work. Here's a free download I've written about help with the loss of a dear one:

    Also, ask your librarian for books by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. Get out somewhere where there's a waterfall. Stop & listen to the Peace of Nature. Pour out your problems with the falling water. Talk to your grandchild's Spirit... she'll hear you! Get yourself in tune with Life... find ways to help your daughter (how is she coping with HER loss? Good luck! Just do it. :)

  3. I think it's normal to feel this way. I lost my 3 year old son in January '07 and I didn't want to be around anyone for almost an entire year, not even my family. Everyone starts to heal in their own time. My heart goes out to you and your daughter. Losing a child is the worst thing imaginable.

  4. yes, it's normal. My best friend died seven years ago, and for the first couple weeks, I was in so much emotional pain, i didn't want to be around anyone. I didn't want comfort or support, I just wanted to be alone with my pain, to deal with it my own way.

    You'll start wanting to be around others in time. It takes some people longer than others. It will probably start with wanting to be with your children, to help them deal with the loss of their child, and your grandchild.

    its' hard to say though, each person is different, and grieves differently. There are stages to the grieving process, and you don't necessarily go through them in order.

    I am really sorry for your loss, and hope you and your family are doing alright. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

  5. Of course it's normal. Your loss is still very recent. Trying to do everyday things, like interact with people, going shopping, making dinner, and everything else, is going to be a hard thing to get through. The oft-used cliche "time heals all wounds" is in a way, correct. The hurt will probably never go completely away, but with time, it will get better.

    Dealing with the death of your grandchild may be one of the most painful experiences in your life. Everyone copes and mourns differently. Perhaps a few of the following suggestions can help you survive some of the difficult times.

    Express yourself. Talk about your grandchild, your feelings, your fears, your grief. Or keep a diary, write a journal, create, start a flower garden. This may help you to see things more clearly.

    Read written resources. There are many books, articles, poems, and videos that can provide information, guidance, and support.

    Find a support network. Such a network may be your family, your friends, or your faith community. You may want to contact a support group for parents who have experienced the death of a baby, to share your story and feelings and to learn from others who have also "been there".

    Above all, give yourself time. Be patient. You will never forget your grandchild, but you will heal. Healing is an ongoing process; it does not happen overnight. But it will happen.

    I hope some of what I collected here will help you. I've found some links that you can visit below.

    I wish you well!

  6. i'm so sorry for your loss :[

    but yea, i think it's normal to not want to be around anyone

  7. it seems logical it wasn't that long ago  

  8. Yes, you are nursing your wounds.  Spend your grief. Don't try to ignore or suppress it.  Try to re engage with comfortable friends soon but wrap yourself in solitude for a while. My prayers for you and your daughter (in-law?).  

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