
I am growing veggies and herbs in my closet, any tips?

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Hi Everyone!

I am growing rosemary, (8 months old) tomato plants and peppers under 400w MH. How far away should I keep the plants? How long should I leave the lights on? How much should I water? Any tips would be great! It is my first time doing this.




  1. Keep in mind you need air circulation so run some sort of fan to do this..I grow all my veggies from seed and start them indoors first about 2 months before thier time to transplant outside..I keep a fan on mine indoors and this is in a large room, not in a closed up closet..but even in the large room I keep a fan going for it helps to keep strong stalks  and keep them from getting leggy...

  2. Why aren't they outside?  Hmmm...

  3. I only know of one herb that you grow in a closet

  4. yes, dont mix them with jeans  

  5. mom of 3 under 4 --- HA! I was thinking the same thing.  Kind of odd, but why would you be growing these things in a closet?  Before posting something like this on here you should be weary of the the DEA knocking.

  6. Funny how people always assume the worst. smh @ u people. I think personally it would be best to stick to a natural light cycle (12 on 12 off). Although you may be able to accelerate growth by having a longer on cycle maybe 14 or 16 hours. Both of these plants like hot weather. I would expirement on the placement of your lighting till you find the proper temp. ,and your not burning foliage.

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