
I am guy that never finshed school and wishes to finsh with an online school but i dont want to be scamed?

by  |  earlier

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i need a real diploma thats acceptable. Please help.




  1. first establish teh accreditation of the online school uv chosen..that you can do at

    secondly go for the top ten accredited online can also opt for vocational courses online to be better quilified for jobs...

    all the best :)

  2. Are you talking high school or college?  If it's high school, here are some good online schools:


    K12 (uses some Apex courses and some of their own):

    Florida Virtual School:

    NorthStar Academy:

    UNL Independent Study High School:

    Center for Distance and Independent Study:


    I'm not sure how many take "non-traditional" students, but you could check with them.

  3. Go to a college & ask what they suggest.

  4. Check out some of your local universities...they usually offer an online component that is geared towards working professionals.  The most important thing to remember is that you should look for a school that is accredited...If you are open to suggestions, here is the program I went through: simply for the fact that it was convenient to my work schedule and offered the degree I wanted.  Good luck...

  5. University of Phoenix online   Or

  6. I think it is admirable that you want to finish the time that you didn't because it will give you a sense of accomplishment. I don't know an exact online school but just want to encourage you because more people are home schooling because it is just as effective and they can spend more quality time teaching their kids the things that matter the most. A lot of adults are also adding to their completed education levels by taking online courses so you are not by yourself.

  7. You have mentioned your subjects ...

    Here are a few sites which will help you decide your online school depending upon your subjects :

  8. You should check with your local Community College, often there are adult High School courses available, and many of them are available in-class OR on-line.

    Otherwise, there are many good programs available, which several people have mentioned.

    Here is an accredited one that will let you test out of courses if you feel you know the material, and also will pretest you if you think you know most of it, but only need to brush up on a few points.

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