
I am half Black(Angola) and half white (Russia) and have curly hair until the day I got a relaxer...?

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Until the day I went to a crazy Angolan salon and the hairdresser asked me if I wanted a treatment...(My mother and I tough it would be a hot oil treatment or something like that so we sad yes)...But it was a relaxer...I got so mad...A couple of months after the relaxer I went back to the salon and the hairdresser had a big laughter because my hair was weak...I have a little bit of relaxer in the roots but I don't want it anymore...I have been doing the transitioning to natural but I don't want to do the big chop...Any ideas??

Look at my hair...But it is longer know...




  1. Your hair looks fine.

    But if you're really worried about the health of it, you should go to a black hair-care salon. They should be able to fix it without chopping it all off.

  2. Unfortunately, your hair may not have even grown any longer than it would have if your hair was still natural. A relaxer breaks down the curl pattern in your hair, thus making the hair shaft weaker. Curly hair is tighter and typically stronger, which is why your curlier hair may have APPEARED shorter than it really was. Keep on transitioning. At this point, that is all you can do. Hair grows about 1/2 an inch every month anyway, so if you cut off about 1/4 inch of relaxed hair every month than you should be able to get rid of your relaxed hair while still being able to retain your length. The method I described is probably best for your hair anyway. Like I said, previously, your natural hair is stronger and healthier than your relaxed hair, so if you do not gradually clip off the relaxed hair, the weight from your natural (healthy) hair may cause the relaxed hair to break off. It's imortant that you not straighten and blow dry your hair as well, this will only further weaken your relaxed hair.

    Make your own hot oil treatments from now on, and try to use all natural hair care products. Go to the grocery store and purchase olive oil and coconut oil. Warm these up in a bowl and massage onto your scalp and your hair. Once you have done that, put on a shower cap and leave the mixture on your hair for 20 minutes...then wash it out.

    You can email me if you need more tips, and I'm sorry this happened to you. :(


    What you can do is doing a protein treatment atleast once a month with mayonnaise egg and olive oil or a store bought kind. This will strengthen your hair and then deep conditioning atleast once a week whenever you wash it. For now your going to have to deal with two textures your natural curly hair and your relaxed hair it can be hard to deal with! Until you get your hair the length you want it then you can cut it...but for now Id leave it as is, but get it super healthy!

  4. Well I get My Hair relaxed every 3-4 months

    But I think your Looks nice straight

    Don't cut you hair

    After a few month the relaxer will fade and ur hair will be curly once again and the hair that grows will be curly

    Hope i helped

  5. and you have to trim as you grow to get the relaxer off or it will start breaking off if you dont

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