
I am having a 14th b-day party with 10-12 ppls and i dont know what to do!! any suggestions?

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i am having 10-12 people and i live near a beach so i was thinking a beach party but then i am afraid of the weather and i dont know if i want a beach party so please give me a few more ideas!! thanks




  1. for my 14th i had just lyk a random party:


    Musical chairs/bumps/statues

    Pin the tail on the donkey

    Pass the Parcel

    The balloon game

    email me if you dont understand any rules

    hope ive helped :D

  2. here are a bunch of fun ideas, just click on a subject down the left side and it pulls up a bunch of ideas for each

  3. umm a sleepover? or a mall trip? or a road trip?or hotel party?

  4. On my 14th birthday party my friends and I divided up into two teams, and did a scavanger hunt with tasks like "Take a picture with someone and a starbucks drink", and whoever completed the entire list first were the winners.

  5. You should split up into groups and do a night walk. Give each group 2 flashlights. Hide stuff around your neighborhood and see which group can findeverything first.

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