
I am having a 15th b-day party what food should i have and what should we do?

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well the party is going to be in my backyard with about 50 people, guys and girls. i cant have a dancing party so were just going to "hang out" but i dont know what we should do andd idk what food to have. and were setting up cute tables




  1. You could set up a "sundae bar". Where guests can make their own sundaes.

    Progressive card games, where the winner moves to the next table etc. Small prizes for the winner. i.e. an apple or some other off the wall item.

  2. Wings.  Burgers.  Dogs.  Bagged snacks.  Keep it simple.  There's no reason to fret over what specific foods you should have.  You could even order up some pizzas.  Everyone will like whatever you serve.

  3. We have a pig-picking for big occasions like that.  If you're not from the South you might not know what this is, so I'll explain.  It's when you order a pig/half-pig, whatever based on weight (figure on each person eating about a pound) and barbecue it.  They usually come with a cooker if you order it from a meat processor.  It's a very effective way to feed large crowds.

    Otherwise, you could just go with the standard hotdogs and hamburgers.  Or do the party potluck style, where everyone brings a dish.

    As far as activities you could play card games (funner than it sounds), watch movies, whatever.

    Hope you have a great party!

  4. My daughter recently graduated from high school and we set up a chocolate fountain bar.  Hands down, it was the hit of the party.  

    You'll need a chocolate fountain, of course.  Mine is made by Rival and cost about $39 if I recall.  

    For dipping, we had:

    Pretzels, marshmellows, pineapple, strawberries, bananas, oreos and sugar wafer cookies.  My daughter and her friends are addicted to sprinkles (like for ice cream) so we had those too.

    You can either make your own chocolate mixture or can buy premade bags that you microwave at craft stores and Bed, Bath and Beyond.  The directions come with the fountain.

    Everybody raved about our chocolate fountain bar!

  5. dont cook large amounts of meat,itl smell and it needs to be cut up and ate with a knife and fork,and wings always leave bones..

    just have like plates of nibbles that people can grab,plates of sushi,pizza,chips and dip,cheese crackers and grapes etc

    not too much mess for the cute tables:) happy birthday!

  6. it depends on how much you want to spend on food. If you want something easy and simple, go with finger foods, hot dogs. If not have a picnic from a-z.  Play games, and enjoy being with your friends. Have a good time!

  7. Play DDR and Guitar Hero.

  8. Don't forget the HOT WINGS!!! :--)

  9. My daughter had her 15th with her friends and it was a pot luck we had a grill and we had friends bring extra tables and chairs we had karaoke and the sang their little hearts out.  We even invited the neighbors, it was a small community so there was no complaining the next day.  It was fun and no complaints and lots of music.

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