
I am having a 15th birthday party and i want to be 60s themed?

by  |  earlier

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well idk what i should wear. nothin like a big afro wig or bell bottoms. somethin kewl, cute, and 60s. there will be bout 15 ppl there. what kind of games would be fun? and what about food and drinks? nothin vegatarian. if you could me id like tht. tnks.




  1. Play some great 60's songs!

    You could have the usual foods and drinks.

    Sorry I wasn't more helpfulv

  2. You are in luck, clothing-wise - check out vintage stores or ebay or if someone sews...

    The mini-dresses and boots from the 60s are amazingly cute! Here's one picture

    Play Twister - they still make it - you'll have a blast.

    Serve fondue!

    Awesome party idea, by the way.

  3. wtever you want at ur part u should have. just make sure ur sweet 16 is better than ur 15th. i messed that one up.

  4. afros and bell bottoms were 70s. hot rods and cruising are good themes. hippies were in as well. so you could go groovy and play pin the long hair on the hippie. wear tie-dyed clothes and lots of beads and headbands. serve kool-aid and bbq hamburgers.


    Listings of things that happened in the 60's for ideas.

    What to wear

    something like the above, and those are go go boots she is wearing.

    Tons of ideas on what to wear

    Happy Birthday

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