
I am having a Alice in Wonderland Themed 21st Party in my backyard...any ideas?

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so far i have:

1. Playing cards as invitations (maybe)

2. Croquet in garden

3. Flowers throughout the house

4. Guests dress up as Wonderland characters

5. Playing card garlands

6. Food labelled 'Eat Me' and 'Drink Me'




  1. Let me suggest scones, crumpets, shortbread, and a big selection of jams and marmalades.

    Several different types of hot tea, would be good, along with a fruity punch.

    Have fun.


  2. The playing card invitations sound great! And having the guests come as their favorite character is a good idea too - gets them involved.

    Foods could include:

    *Heart shaped cookies

    *Tea & Cakes (Mad Hatter Style)

    *Cup Cakes with the eat me labels

  3. tea

    cheshire cat cookies

    cucumber sandwiches

    lady fingers

    puffed pastries

    a showing of Alice in Wonderland

  4. Thats such a coincidence. I want to have a Mad Hatters Tea party for my 19th. I was planning on having a long table with a bunch of tea pots and tea cups. I want to decorate the table with bottles that say drink me and boxes with cookies that say eat me. A bunch of tea sandwiches. A lot of white candles on mirrors. As a game everyone gets a card with a riddle on it and the other guests have to try and guess the answer. Instead of steam in the air I'm gonna give everyone a bottle of bubbles to blow. Here is a link to an alice in wonderland party.

  5. hide the boose and hand out plenty of rubbers

  6. Painting in the garden.

    Croquet with lawn flamingos instead of mallets

    Nice invitation idea

    Mismatched chairs

    You dress as Alice, everyone else is a different character

  7. mushrooms as a decor and/or some type of appetizer

  8. I would make finger sandwiches in the shape of butterflies.  Like the bread and butterflies.

  9. that sounds lame-o.  i wouldn't come to it.

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