
I am having a big problem with my roommate, please help me!?

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My roommate is also my co-worker. Sometimes she is so nice and friendly and she is ALWAYS upbeat at work. Recently she became friends with a girl I used to be close to. I know they talk about me behind my back and I know that she is two-faced. Whenever she is home from work she is just plain rude to me. We can't even talk to each other unless other people are around. I don't know why she is so nice when there is a group but she turns mean when it's just me.

She puts me down a lot when I ask questions. Often times she makes me feel dumb when I ask her about how her day was. When I ask her what is wrong or if she is feeling okay she always responds with "yeah i'm just tired," and I know that is a lie.

My question is.. what should I do? Should I just stop caring and let her go on with her life, or should I keep trying to be her friend? It's really stressful living and working with her. Luckily we are both going back to college in about 2 weeks but until then I need some coping methods! Thank you so much.




  1. Print out information about bipolar disorder and leave it on her desk.

  2. If she is always tired and makes you feel like c**p constantly then avoid her as much as poss for the next two weeks. Schedule your life so you see her as little as poss.

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