
I am having a biracial baby girl (blk/whte)we have chosen her name to be Kali Adyson...whats ur opinion?

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Race has nothing to do with the name just thought id add info about the husbands sister was killed about 3 months ago and her name was Keli so we are spelling it Kali and pronounced like Cali for California




  1. On what?

  2. the middle name should be a bit simpler possibly one syllable like lynn  

  3. I don't like it at all. It is the epitome of what is trendy and overused right now which means it will be dated in 10 years or so. Plus, Addison is boy name that you spelled wrong as well as a disease. Kali is also spelled wrong and isn't suitable for a professional adult.

    Keep in mind you are naming a person, not a baby. Imagine being a 30 year old professional woman and having to introduce yourself as Kali. It just doesn't seem right.

    Callie Addison is at least spelled correctly which makes it better.

    Some other ideas...

    Callista Adele "Callie"

    Caroline Adele *Callie*

    Callie Adelyn

    Kenna Adelyn

    Kaia Adelyn

    Cara Adelyn

    Carys Adelyn

    I really like Kenna Adelyn and Carys Adelyn. They have the same feel as Kali but are not as trendy and cute as Kali is.  

  4. I don't think it matters what race your baby is...  but I like Kali Adyson for a baby girl!  It's very cute.  My only personal preference would be to change the spelling to Addison, but other than that I love the name!

  5. well its not my choice but in my opinion they are not real names sorry

    addison is a type of disease and misspelling it only makes it worse in my opinion.

    kali is just another misspelling of another made up name like caylee or kaylee or kaleigh ,sorry i don't like them.

    your baby's race has nothing to do with it she deserves a real,decent normal ,correctly spelled name.

    i hope you will reconsider and good luck with your baby girl!

    that said i like

    Chloe Elise

    Madeline Faye

    Charlotte Rae

    Miranda Sue

    Matilda Rose

    Nyla Isabelle

    good luck!

  6. i love the name. it's adorable =)

  7. i understand why you put that your having a biracial baby girl because its harder finding a name for a biracial baby, i have a biracial little girl named jazmyne & another baby on the way so i know what your going through lol. but i love the name kali adyson i love how its spelled & i think that they are very cute together.

  8. Pretty name, but I tend to like more traditional spellings, so I'd likely go with Callie Addison..........but either way it's a lovely name.

  9. It's a cute name, but what does her being biracial have to do with anything?

  10. Its great to be original with names, but i would suggest looking up the meaning behind the name. Some names have good meanings, some bad. Choose the right name and your child man grow to be successful because of it. :)

  11. Why does it matter that she is biracial? A name is a name. It doesn't have a color. The name is nice. Adyson is a boys name though. It means "Son of Adam". Just so you know.  

  12. Really Cute!

  13. I think it is absolutely adorable & I love it when people name their kids a unoriginal name & give it an original spelling!!!!!!!!!! So Cute!!!!!

    Congratulations & Good Luck!!!!!!!

  14. On the name, I think it is pretty.  I think that the fact that she is Biracial is irrelevant. (:

  15. What's wrong with Kelly? Or Calla. Unless you pronounce if differently. Kah-lee, or Kay-lie. (nobody will get that right).

    Addison is awful and will be in the Top 10 for 2008, no doubt.

  16. I love the name Kali. And I think it sounds nice with Adyson.

  17. It's adorable! I love the name Kali and Adyson flows and goes well with it. The only thing I am not sure about is whether Kali is pronounced like Kaylee or Callie. I like the way Kaylee sounds better. Congratulations and good luck!


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