
I am having a charity auction, where can I get items from?

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I am having a charity auction, where can I get items from?




  1. if your in the uk try freecycle

  2. You need to ask around local businesses. Make sure you add their name to the prize and put it in the programme.


    If you can get a piece in the paper too that would really help with donations, especially if their names are in there too.

  3. It depends really on what the charity is, and whether it is local or national. If the latter, write to the Head Offices of big business, as well as local ones. If local, keep to local businesses, and the big boys who are in your area. You can also appeal to the public via local radio and newspapers.

    It also depends the nature of charity. Some people won't give to certain charities (say animals) on principle. Have to say I draw the line at sports things and schools, as I have no connection with either.There are so many charities around these days, people can't give to all of them, and to me, those institutions aren't proper charities or in need. So you need to target your potential donors. You can also write to any celebrities who live in the area, or whose address you can get hold of.

  4. We used to run them for the local school and went around the local businesses for donations, like a voucher from the butcher or a botle of plonk from the offy.

  5. I would suggest you ring round companys( depending on what kind of things you want to auction off) and ask if they would like to donate to the cause and assuring them that everyone will be told of their companies genorosity! Good luck!!

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