
I am having a hard time keeping up with the weeds during rain. It seems that they grow fastest in the rain.

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By the time the soil is dry enough to get out to weed, the weeds have overwhelmed the garden. How can I keep ahead of the weeds during the rain or when the soil is wet? Garden is too big to hand weed.




  1. well we use scotts turf builder and it kills the weeds and other things we used it at the beginnging of summer and have not had any more problems with weeds it made our grass much greener  looks soo pretty. go to walmart and look at a bottle of it  

  2. Round up only works on the foliage of the plant its sprayed on. So if you can control your spray in your garden it will work.Then before you put out your plants next season use a pre emergence weed control. This kills the the weed seeds before they germinate.You did say garden not lawn

  3. Best thing I have found is that when I cut the grass, I use a bagger and empty it around the plants.  The more I add, the less weeds I find.  Cheapest easiest way and its organic.  Only problem is some people dont have a bagger attatchment anymore.  I dont like the chemical route because it gets into the food no matter what.  Good Luck!!!

  4. There is no magic abracadabra, you will always have a certain amount of pulling weeds. Even the best gardens have weeds! I have always laid down weed cloth and we mulch with bark dust every other year or so to freshen up the garden. And I still get my share of weeds. They blow in with the wind, fly in with the birds, are delivered with my bark dust, and even crawl over from my neighbors gardens.

    I use an organic weed killer, that has clove and vinegar in it for the worst weed culprits like morning glory and other deep rooted weeds. I paint it on their leaves with a paint brush. The shallow rooted weeds I just bend over and pull them out or hoe them out. This is why the garden is fondly called, 'The garden of weedin!'

  5. Listen to what Bug D said, all of the salient points are covered.

  6. Buy weed killer, the kind that don't kill flowers. You can buy it at HomeDepot.

  7. I go outside first thing in the morning and de-weed the backyard, knowng that most weeds grow faster after a rain.

    I have a long thick tarp that I have placed over the weediest part of my yard.  It will stay on that spot for a month to kill all the weeds and nematodes in the soil.  Then I'll remove the tarp and plant grass seeds there.  It's called solarizing. It's time consuming but cheap and effective.

    I use RoundUp sparingly on more stubborn spots like thick weed roots.  

  8. Unfortunately, in spite of the previous post, there is no smart weed killer that can tell the difference between a weed and a desirable plant.  Some options open to you are:

    Mulching - put mulch down in aisles and between plants.  Mulch at least 3 inches deep to really impact weeds.  

    Pre-emergent weed killer - This type of weed preventer keeps weed seeds from germinating.  Products like Preen are pre-emergent weed killers, and can be used CAREFULLY in a garden.

    Weed fabrics and weed blocks - these are usually rolls of material that can be put down to prevent or reduce weeds in areas in the garden.  They can be expensive and are only marginally effective against weeds and can be a pain to maintain

    The final option is good old fashioned weeding using a hoe or a cultivator.  Think of it as good exercise.  

    Have fun...

    Bug Doc

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