
I am having a masquerade party and am not sure what to serve.?

by Guest63748  |  earlier

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We are having a party with the theme "Carnival of Venice" but dont know what to serve for dinner. We only want to serve foods that can be eaten with your fingers and not be too messy. Any good suggestions?




  1. Pizza Rolls comes to mind:) ....  Cheese & sausage platter with crackers (have some mozzarella & provolone with Genoa salami)  .....  veggie/dip platter (put extra oregano into the dip to make it a little more Italian tasting) ....  fruit platter ......frozen Biscuit Tortoni or gelato for dessert (or individual frozen Italian Ices - sold in the grocery)

  2. Here are some Italian style finger foods/appetizers that might work:

    Since your theme is Venice, try going with a lot of Italian style foods or items - fresh seafood, olive oil, cheeses, breads and fresh fruits and vegetables.

    You might also want to do bruscetta, canapes, lots of cheeses with a selection of crackers, prosciutto wrapped cantaloupe, mini-pizzas, rumaki, angels on horseback, devils on horseback, cocktail shrimp.

    There are lots of things you can try. Why not going to the library or a bookstore and look for a recipe book for appetizers - you should be able to get some good ideas that will also go with your theme and go from there.

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