About 7 years ago I was in a relationship with a guy, we were both 19, and I got pregnant. We never had good communication and I we were only together for 4 months. When I found out I was pregnant we were not speaking to each other. Not for any reason, we just stopped talking. And I had not talked to him since. I did not even know where he was until now. He has no idea that he has a 6 year old son. I have the opportunity to tell him. Should I? We still ha vent talked I just ran into an old friend who is also his friend. My son has a "dad" that he thinks is his dad, who was with me through my whole pregnancy. We split up about 3 years ago, because he got into drugs. He still spends time with him every once in a while. What should I do? I am afraid it will make everyone mad if I tell the truth. I have no idea what is biological dad is like these days either, so that makes it even more difficult. Any sugesstions would be helpful. thanks