
I am having a sharp horrible pain in the top of my uterus?

by  |  earlier

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I am 26.5 weeks pregnant and this is my second pregnancy. I woke up this morning and it felt like I had a knife stabbing me in the top center of my uterus. It will come and go I have tried to eat, drink, sit, stand and lay down. I have a son who is only 10 months old and yestersday him and I were playing on the floor and he started to climb up me and he stepped on my tummy right where I am in pain. I called my doctors office and asked if they thought it was something to worry about. (I didnt tell them about my son stepping on my stomach, but I didnt have a chance before the triage nurse put me on hold to ask someone.) When she came back she told me its round ligament pain.




  1. You should call your doctor's office back.  As to speak to your doctor's nurse.  Tell them the whole story.  They may want to see you.  

  2. Round ligament pain is usually in the bottom and sides or your uterus. I would call back to let them know that your son stepped there and that the pain isn't any better. Good luck!

  3. Yes it could be round ligament pain but as this is your second pregnancy and not your first and you didn't have it with your first...I would go in and have them check it just to be safe. Its probably nothing but with pregnancy I never took any chances.

  4. as with anything, hear me, ANYTHING, if you're concerned then it's worth following up on.  This time tell the nurse/doctor everything, even if it seems small to you.

    When pregnant you need peace of mind just as much as healthy food.  Make the call, talk to a doctor; see him/her.  Pain is the way our body has of telling us something's not right.  If its just round ligament pain, fine. if not, then you've taken steps to find out more.

    Do not ignore pain.

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