
I am having a tea party ... I was trying to come up with a creative saying for the invitation?

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It's my daughter's 7th birthday... and I wanted a cute saying on the invitation. We'll be dressing up and having tea(of course) any ideas??? And any fun games or activities you can think of for the girls to do. Thank you!




  1. For the games and stuff go to the party store and get little paper princess hats that you can make and some jewels to put on them wiff glue

    buy a whole bunch of white tshirts and then get some maker and accesories to put on them and let them wear it home.

    im not to sure for the party inviates sorry!


    i hope this helps!

  2. How does a drop of tea on the terrace tickle your toes?

    Could be the opening line? Then just give details of times etc?

    I have no idea about activities for kids this age sorry! Are they too old for a bouncy castle? Clown/magician/face painting? Now that I have a baby I forget how fast older kids grow out of things!

  3. Roses are red, violets are blue, I would be so pleased if you could come to my birthday do!

    Cut out flower shaped invites on stiff white paper, let your girl colour them in.

  4. i got nothing. what i was going to say sounded to much like and advertisement

  5. For inexpensive dress-up clothes, you can go to your local re-sale shop and shop in the dress section. Sometimes you can find dresses the girls will think are "princess" dresses for $1-$5!!

    Fun jewelry from the dollar store is cool, too. They can also play musical chairs around the tea table.

    For the invites:

    "Come join us for a spot of tea!"

    "It's tea time at the castle! Help us celebrate __________'s 7th Birthday!"

    "Princess ______ is having a tea party! Won't you come?"

    "You're invited to an elegant tea party hosted by Lady _________"

  6. "High tea will be served at __am / pm A delightful time to share with friends. So get fancied up and put on your best and join us at ______________(address) as our honored guest"

    Tips...most kids don't actually like tea, especially hot tea.  Now I'm not saying you shouldn't have tea, but I'd be ready with a good backup.  Lemonade, or a punch made from tea.  A cute snack to make is cupcakes in terracotta pots.  You can actually decorate the tops with some silk flowers.  A little pack of seeds in their gift bag will give the flower pots a purpose later on.  Also good for the gift bag. (tea bags, an antique handkerchief, candy spoons, little makeup stuff)  Make up sandwiches and trim the crusts.  Let the girls cut them out in fun shapes with cookie cutters.  Cookies are also traditional at tea.  The girls could also decorate the cookies. Sounds like fun...hope you guys have a good time.

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