
I am having a very low budget birthday party and need some ideas for entertainment? please help!!! Any ideas?

by Guest45427  |  earlier

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I am turning 13 (woo! teenager at last) and I need some ideas for entertainment at a 13 year old's birthday party. Girls only will be there. It needs to be fun, please! I was thinking a Pinata as a joke... you know, because it'll just break and everyone gets candy XD I know it's childish... but, I mean, when was the last time a 13 year old hit a pinata?!? I think it'll be a hit, but there aren't any other ideas I can come up with.




  1. in my opinion, first invent an interesting, funny quiz about guys, teachers or neighbours. After that convince your friends to play the game where you have to imitate animal or celebrities and the others to find them. All this is good to happen in your own room if it is big enough or in the hall of your house. During this games offer drinks or pop-corns. Till now you don't have to spend a lot. In the end, you should go the mall and do shopping or just stay at the bar at talk what you like.

  2. play "never have i ever".. you go around the circle, and each person says something theyve never done, but if the girls in the circle HAVE done it, they have to put down 1 of their 10 fingers. the first one to put down all 10 is the loser (or winner if you want to look at it that way haha) hmm its weird because when you say youre 13, it sounds soo young but when i was 13 i seemed really old so its weird haha.. ALSO you could camp out in your backyard and have a fire with smores

  3. ok heres what i would do.. i would devide the girls into two or three teams . have like a scavenger hunt but with clues. on pieces of paper write clues down. start the girls off with one clue at home and they have to figure out where that clue leads to. there will be another clue waiting for the girls to get there. If you want to get creavtive you can get the local police station involved if its close by. If you have ne ? just ask

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