
I am having an idea for fuel savings..Anyone there to hear what i say? will you follow ?

by  |  earlier

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Fuel prices are to be revised..revised means to be to tolerate ? To save fuel expenditure.. please follow the following methods....

1. Those who are having cars.. please don't take out of shed.

please go by bus or train. or if it is near by walk.

2. Those who are having 2 wheelers.. please don't use bikes and go wherever you want by bus or train as per your convenience.

3. i saw some homes, that they are cooking and cooking from morning to night. please avoid it. Do it in the morning or evening. one time cooking.

4. please use gas only for cooking... don't make hot waters for bathing.

i welcome from our members if any more fuel savings scheme details.. please come with details.. it will be helpful..




  1. Those are all good ideas they simply do not apply to thousands.We have no bus,train and I do not own a two wheeler.I do own a lawn mower,the push type.I am sorry, at the price I have to pay for propane for cooking I will have a hot shower,its all the same gas.About the only thing we can do is drive less,make every drive count and hope we don't run out of gasoline doing it.

  2. we dont have alot of options where we live your ideas sound good though,i think people should carpool to work,stay at home whenever they can or as much as they can,ride bikes or walk for their shorter trips it would help with fuel and you could get exercise at the same time.

  3. 1) Don't live by a bus stop or train stop. I have a young son so walking is not in the plan right now.

    2) Don't have a 2 wheeler.

    3) We don't use gas to cook.

    4) We don't use gas for hot water heater.

    I live in Texas where everything is big and far apart and getting hot now. I'm going to drive my car with the A/C on until October. Sorry. But it is the truth.

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