
I am having another argument with my wife. Who's bageles are better, Brueggers, or Dunkin Donuts.?

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  1. I've never heard of Brueggers so Dunkin Donuts

  2. never had brueggers but dunkin donuts' bagels make me noxious so heh i think brueggers

  3. D.D

  4. Without a doubt Brueggers. I would rather drive 10 minutes to Brueggers than 1 minute to DD.

  5. Of those choices, bruggers, although I prefer einstein's (sp?)

    Now don't be offended, but isn't that kind of a silly argument to be having? If its that big of a deal, you can each get your own bagels at different places, or maybe take turns going to one place, and then the next.

  6. I am going to say Brueggers.

  7. The fresh brueggers or stale brueggers will beat out Dunkin Donuts anyday of the week!

  8. I Go with the person abouve me..  dunkin dounuts is way too sugary =[

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