
I am having car troubles. I need help asap!?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my fiance have been asking everywhere at Autozone, his dad and just anyone we can think of. So I'll ask here too. We have a 1992 Pontiac Bonneville SE and the engine will run but will not start up. It sounds like it really wants to work but it just can't get there. We have already changed the coil pack, the spark plug wires, checked the fuel and added two gallons of gas, tested the spark plugs themselves-no spark. And checked the oil, transmission fluid and all the other liquids the car needs. We really need help. Any other suggestions would be nice. Thanks.




  1. You mean the engine will turn over, but not start.

    No spark at all?  You've got an ignition problem, but I can't imagine what's left after replacing the elements you've replaced.  You're just going to have to bite the bullet and drag it to the shop.

  2.   Your problem is serious enough that the computer would have logged an error code. I strongly recommend you either purchase or borrow a code checker and do more diagnostic troubleshooting before spending money on items that are in good working condition.

    Your auto parts store will sell an OBDII code checker for about $200 or you might consider having a shop trouble shoot the problem and fix it your self.

    Good Luck, it always sucks to have problems like this with your ride.

  3. Normally, I try to help people fix problems themselves, but I think your talents lie elsewhere. I say this because you are making contradictory statements like:

    "the engine will run but will not start"    Huh? How can the engine run if it won't start?

    "tested the spark plugs themselves-no spark" What? If you tested the spark plugs and they would not spark, there is your answer.

    It is really hard to figure out what you are saying, but my best guess is a malfuntioning Crankshaft Position Sensor.

    Take the ol' Pontiac to a qualified mechanic.

  4. I would check the distributor cap and rotor. Make sure the wires to the coil are attached well. Check and see if you are getting electricity from the coil. It is obvious you have an electrical problem since the plugs don't spark. Good luck.

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