
I am having kitten problems.?

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I just adopted two kittens on Sunday. Yesterday, I had to go out for a couple hours. When I came back I found that one of my kittens was limping. He already has an infected eye that I have been putting medicine on but it seems to get worse and worse instead of better? This morning I woke up to him shivering so I wrapped him in a blanket. I know that animals shiver when they're in pain but, could he have been cold? Thanks for your time.




  1. umm go to the vet and let him/her check your kittens

    -Good Luck   †James†

  2. take him to the vets!!!!

    shivering can mean many things, it can be an sign of illness....

    he could have an infection, his immune system will be weak from the eye infection leaving him open to many illnesses.

    for both his and the other kittens sake it is best to seek medical attention asap!

  3. If you havn't already take them both to the vet the kittens were probably playing with each other and that cat got hurt by accident. But the vet is the saffest thing and while your there ask him if your kitties eye is going to get better soon.


  4. Your kitten is seriously ill and needs to go to a vet. Do not delay even if you cannot afford to go, any good vet will take the kitten in if you can't pay. A kitten with an infection that develops a limp is most likely a kitten with kidney failure. It is very painful and you will most likely loose the kitten if you do not get it help asap.

    You can call where you adopted from they most likely have already treated the kitten or have a policy about this. Good luck!

  5. shivering is due to a fever.......his eye infection could be the problem.

    Maybe  feline herpes ( affects the eyes )

    I would not worry about the limping right now, the kitten could of jumped...and landed badly ( he probably has limited eye sight because of the eye infection )

    A vet visit is in rule out and to treat the fever the kitten probably has.

    Time is in it fast..he could die from too high a fever.

    In the meantime.......give lots of water to hydrate the kitten.

    Don't panic......if the kitten has herpes.....he will still live a good life.

    I have a 3 year old male that has this.

  6. Well you should bring both kittens to the vets and have the vet check them for any of your concerns. While your gone maybe you should keep them in a room like a bedroom where they wont get hurt. I keep my two cats in the bathroom at night so they calm down and go to sleep, and also so they don't hurt themselfs by getting into things they shouldn't. They have their liter box, and food and water, two windows to look out, and they sleep on a blanket in the bathtub. But with an infected eye and a limp, you want to make sure they're not horsing around. Maybe separate them while your gone until they are healed and healthy.  

  7. call the vet that's what I say. I want a kitten anyway call the vet!!!!          hope this helps  

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