
I am having my second child...what I predict is another November. Any other moms with 2 kids under 3?

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I would love to hear your stories, how you do it etc. Esp, love to hear about life with two sons?




  1. I have two boys! An energetic 2 year old and a 4 month old who will NOT SLEEP!! :)  

    It does vary day to day but otherwise it's great! It's not as hard as everyone told me.... yet anyways! I'm sure it will once they are fighting over toys and hitting one another!  lol   :)

    Good luck and early congrats on your new baby!

  2. I'm sure there are but they are probably sleeping, cleaning or wondering what they were thinking. :)

  3. i have a 3 year old and a 3 month old.

    boy and girl

    it's chalenging but so worth it. i love my kids with all my heart. my son loves his little sister so much and is actually a big help with her. if you have any questions just email me.

  4. My Daughter just turned 2 on August 5th. My Son is 5 1/2 months. They are 18 months apart. So far everything seems to mesh together. She is very protective of her baby brother. We also have a 6 year old.

    It just comes together. You worry that you won't be able to do it. When the times comes you will be amazed how the puzzle comes together.

  5. i have 3 girls and they are all 4 yrs apart..everyday i think how on earth do i do it 10 yr old and my 6 yr old bicker every single day and i go crazy and on top of that my 2 yr old jumps in and starts spiting at i'm suprised i still have hair left on my i love them to death but i tell ya a mom needs a break just about everyday. and here as soon as daddy is home from work he gets to be in charge of them while mommy goes shopping or goes to hide in the bedroom for some peace and quiet for a while. good luck kids are the greatest thing ever and i wouldn't  trade them for the world.

  6. I have 2 boys, 17 months and 2 weeks.  So far, so good, though it is a little difficult.  My mother helped me for 2 days while my husband was at work and that was it, I was on my own.  My first son has been sleeping through the night for some time so it was and still is hard trying to get back into waking every 2 hours.  Its hard to fit in showers and breaks, but I manage, and I'm sure you will too.  My first is so interested in his little bro, but he is not graceful by any means and falls over, trips, etc. all the time, so he is a big safety issue, but we keep the baby up on the table in the bouncer.  The first few days, he hated the baby, but he's adjusting, and before too long I'm sure they'll be making tons of chaos together!

  7. i had my kids 18 mths apart and it was great they napped together and now they play together- they are a boy and a girl though. they are like two peas in a pod and dont know what to do with out the other one- i love that they are so close to each other. i enjoyed the time and even think about having 2 more close so they have each other too

  8. Yo!  That'd be me!

    I have a 2 year old daughter and a 5 month old daughter.  Life is interesting, that's for sure.  It gets really expensive especially when you have two kids in diapers.  When both of the girls are crying or thworing temper tantrums, I want to just scream right along with them.  Maybe punch some walls in frustration - you know.  It's not all that bad though.  My 2 year old is really good and careful around the baby.  She only bit her once and hit her a couple of times ( she learned VERY quickly that she is NOT allowed to hurt the baby!).  You'll be just fine, don't worry!  

    A little tip:  I've learned to cherish naptimes and bed times.

  9. well, i don't really have any stories since i am not technically a mom of two yet, but i WILL have two kids under 3. i am due for my second baby just 11 days after gracie turns one

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