
I am having problems with my 6 month old sleeping...?

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he is a great sleeper he goes down everynight by 8pm and will sleep sound all through the night but recently when I go in his nursery to check on him he is laying directly down on his face. It freaks me out! Some of my friends and family tell me not to move him and say that he is strong enough to roll himself over if his breathing is restricted but I just can seem to let him lay like that so I move him and he ALWAYS wakes up and crys and tries to roll back over!

What would you do or has this happend to you before?




  1. Don't roll him over. If you can hear him breathing then he's fine. As long as you have a firm mattress and a very tight fitting sheet with no blankets in the crib then he's fine. My son used to sleep face down but he grew out of it fairly quickly. He's strong enough to turn his head and roll over. He's not going to suffocate himself sleeping face down. Try it yourself (on a firm surface like that of his mattress) and you'll notice that your nose sticks out far enough to allow air to circulate and let you breathe. Just let him sleep, he'll be fine.

  2. I have a six month old daughter..ive never seen her sleeping on her back, and if i did then i would defenitly move her!! i would talk to his peditrician about it  

  3. Try keeping him awake a little longer, to try to change his sleeping habits

    as time goes on ,you will notice they start sleeping less,and less all the time,

    It could be sour stomach,or bad dreams

  4. I had those blocks that kept my Daughter on her side. I would be freaking a bit too and doing the same thing. Chances are he would roll over, but you never know.  

  5. At 3.5 months my daughter started to sleep on her tummy.  Their necks are strong enough, for them to lift their heads if they have a prob with breathing.  Its scary at first, but everything will be fine.  If you roll him over, he will just wake up and roll back over.  It will be a never ending battle.

  6. My son does it all the time.  I stopped trying to move him.  He goes crazy out if I do.  He is a fine and very healthy, strong 6 month old.  I know they overfeed you to put your child on their back.  Do some research, then wrap the mattress.  You will worry less.  It is fine to sleep on their tummys if that is what they want.  :)

  7. Your friends and family are right. My son slept the same way when he was 6mo. It scared me too at first. I kept checking to see if he was still breathing. I eventually got over my fears and you will too.  

  8. I checked on line and they do relate face down sleeping to sids. You could try having him sleep in a carry cradle for  a while. Check with the pediatrician  to see if that could ruin his posture. I never had that problem with mine, Good Luck.  

  9. All the "check with your peditrican! Omg! Sids!" responses are BS! They must not actually have children.

    At 6 months your baby can roll and turn his head. A baby will NOT suffocate themselves at that age. Babies do have natural instincts. Also, try as you may with sleep positioners at a certain age they just wiggle out of them, my son at 5 months couldn't be contained by one.

    His posture will be fine if he sleeps face down. I don't know how that even came up.

    Take out all bumpers and blankets. A firm mattress and no bunches in your crib sheet.. Your baby will be A OK.

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