
I am having really bad flashbacks of stuff that have happened to me what can I do?

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pleasei need some help i'm freaking out




  1. talk to someone about it a friend or a love one..pretty much seek a professional help

  2. i've been there before, when I was 10 years old i lost my uncle pablo, he was murdered, and I was right there, he was also my best friend. Not long after, I was diagnosed with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), it's when you stress about REAL bad thigns thats happend, certian things scare you or remind you of it, and things like that, pretty mcuh anxiety. When I got put on medication for that, I started writing poetry, and started playing basketball more often. I don't know what happend with you, but with out the medication, since i'm sure you can handle that cuz i'm sure your old enough to understand things, just write, release all of your emotions everything in your mind, you don't even need to talk to anyone because half of the time they don't know what to say, most of tha time actually... just write, poems, paragraphs, journal enteries, your thoughts, anything.. pick up a sport or a new hobbie, do something to keep you occupied, hang with friends for instance... and if none of that works then maybe you should talk to an adult, about help.... because you MAY need medication.. good luck, you'll pul through this :)

  3. post traumatic stress perhaps?

  4. I really hard I still struggle. Its true people never know what to say. Read the book don't sweat the small stuff. I have tried changing my thinking with the help of meds. The more busy and people you spend time with will help. good luck and try to think positive!  

  5. Go to a psychologist and seek treatment for PTSD.  That, plus a strong support system of friends and/or family, can help get you through this.

  6. First, take a deep breath. Go to the kitchen and grab some walking, walk around a little bit, deep focusing on your breathing.

    Take a bath, read a book, something to distract your mind.

    Hang in there, you will be fine :-)

  7. Just try to relax and mellow out with some music or something.

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