
I am having such a hard time.. Help?

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I'm having such a hard time. Ok last night my fiance's secretary called and said that my fiance said that I better have dinner by 6:30 pm sharp. So I went crazy but I did it. He came home and didn't say a word to me but sat down and started to eat. So I started to massage his shoulders like I always do but the phone rang. It was his ex cursing me. It has become a habit for her to call me curse our unborn baby (I am pregnant). Well I get off the phone and tell him that he needs to talk to her. He starts screaming at me saying that I shouldn't of called her to tell her the great news and that its all my fault. Is this my fault?

Then he got up and went out. He came home at aroudn 2 am and woke me up saying he wanting s*x. then after he went to sleep in the guest room.

What did I do wrong? This morning I woke up and prepared breakfast for him and he said that my eggs suck. Then he left. I've been calling non stop. Why is he so upset? Does anyone think he loves me?




  1. Of course you're not going to listen just like any other girl, but he SUCKS and he is absolutely horrible.  There is not one good reason to be with this guy.  How could a man treat a pregnant woman that way, or ANY woman at that.  My husband would get socked in the nose if he ever talked to me like that.

    Just remember though, people only do to you what you allow them to.  That is the truth.

  2. Why is he protecting her??? That would be my question to him. Tell him if he don't like it he can leave.  You shouldn't be treated like this when your pregnant with his child. Tell him to grow up and treat you like a wife not his door mat.

  3. He does not seem very nice. Nobody is going to call me saying I better have dinner anywhere. Why did he have his secratary order you to have dinner ready for me...Does he have children with his x? Why do you talk to his ex? If their is children wow your gonna go through allot i know from experience. You need to stand up to him because you should not marry a man whom bosses you around. Does he hit you?

  4. First of all if my husband's secretary called me to tell me to have my husbands dinner fixed by a certain time, I'd tell her then she better get her butt over here and fix it!

    And two if my husband's ex was calling cursing me out the phone number would be changed the following the day and wouldn't care if they did have children together!

    Get a grip, be strong and stand up for yourself.

  5. No, it's not the hormones.  It sounds like the w***e moans.  You get knocked up then tell his ex-wife.  Really smooth move.  Now he only wants to boink you after he's half in the bag.  I think he's getting ready to boot your preggo butt to the curb.

  6. no its not hormones, i am not prego and i would cry to. u should not have called her and told her though. f that *****. he is not being nice to you. u have done something to p**s him off truly.

  7. I thought that you were joking with this story. You're serious. OMG! Look he is using you, what don't you understand about that. He is upset that you got pregnant. How many times are you going to ask the same question? Not many people are going to have sympathy for you because you was sleeping with him while he was married. Some might even call you a homewrecker and say you deserve this. You seem very needy. Stop calling him. It is your fault that you told his wife that you are pregnant. You weren't suppose to get pregnant and you did. If you think that is going to keep him you're sadly mistaken. Just like he left his wife for you he is going to leave you for someone else. Karma is a beast. You get what you give.

  8. Yeah its your hormones. But if you did call his ex and tell about the baby that was a big no no! There was no reason for you do do that. He is stressed out. He probably needed a break when he got home. But he should address this with his ex and ask her to stop calling or change the number. But it was wrong that he got mad, left came back wanted s*x with you and then went on to sleep in the other room. But first things first he does love you, stop calling him that will just annoy him more and make him more angry. Just leave things alone and go on and see if everything calms down!

  9. Don't have all the answers anymore now that he is "your" man? By the way is their divorce final yet? He could be mad that she could use that against him in court. You reap what you sow.  

  10. Men are stupid!!!! Give him his space.  It's that time of the month for him.  Stop crying and ignore him.

  11. Hot had this SAME thing happen to you yesterday and I'm pretty sure a couple of days Dejavu!

  12. It's hard to believe that this is a real question

    Are you serious?

  13. hmm.  your first three lines say it all.  why the h**l are you putting up with all of this?  does this sound like nurturing behavior to you?  don't think so.  it's time for you to stop being a doormat and force this guy to put up or shut up.  if he's acting like this now, how long you think it's gonna be before he starts calling you fat, ugly, etc.  or hitting you when you don't want to have s*x.  that's your future, honey.  you sure you want that?

  14. You called his ex to tell her your good news? If so, thats your fault. I don't know what else to say except, leave him. Its not just your hormones, its also stress which is not good for you and your baby. Either your situation needs to change or you need to make a good situation for yourself and your baby. If your a wreck what good are you going to be for your child?

  15. I think it's the hormones that have you taking all that ish from him because you may feel that you just need him right now because you are pregnant. I have been there before. Hormones seem to run the show when you are pregnant so telling you to say eff him and his misogynistic ways would be kind of pointless. Just wait until the hormones are a little less active and when you are able to see him for the jerk that he is, kick him to the curb.

  16. So let me get this let him boss you around and treat you like a servant?  He doesn't ask you to make dinner but seemingly demands it, doesn't talk to you, goes out until 2am without explaination, lets his ex yell at you, and demands s*x but doesn't sleep in your guys bed afterwards.  Oh and you're preggo and you are wondering what you did wrong....YOU ARE A DOORMAT!  That is what is wrong.  It's not the hormones.  He treats you like **** and you need to stand up to him and his ex.  Don't let people treat you like that!

  17. None of this is your fault.  You do not control the responses of other people.  The ex chooses to respond to news; its her choice.

    Your fiance seems to be under a lot of tension and stress.  At an opportune time, check this out with him and ask him about his feelings, emotions, etc.  Do it at the right time.   When the mood is right.

    Use "I" messages when you talk and not "blaming messages"  For example, you could say, "When I work hard to make you breakfast, and it doesn't seem to be satisfactory, it makes me feel sad."   Instead of something like, "You big jerk. How self centered you are!  I just cooked you an egg and you hated it.  You can go s***w yourself!"  

    The latter is not a good communication method.  But the "I" message is.

    The formula again...."When __________ happens, I feel _________."

  18. You're crying because your eggs do suck...

    EDIT:  Your situation hasn't changed in a month.  Didn't I recommend a battered women's shelter before, IF your story is true???

  19. LOL OMG Nocturna, never heard that one before w***e Moans   lololol

    real good one

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