
I am having the urge to have a I crazy?

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I am currently a 24-years old college student, working part-time and about ready to marry the most wonderful man I could dream of. We both have talked about having children but want to wait until things are more settled (he is in the military, being sent to South Korea in November, and then we are being sent to Ft Lewis in Washington). But I am having the urge/want/feeling of wanting to be pregnant. Now I know it isn't a good time, but what can I do about these feelings? I've never had them before and I've never really wanted to get pregnant until lately. Does anybody have any advice? Ideas? Tips? Suggestions?




  1. You are wanting to have a baby because your new hubby is going to be away from you for awhile. Start your new life and get settled before you bring this new and wonderful person in the world. Having children is great and the most rewarding thing in your life but it is also a life long commitment. Enjoy your new life with your hubby first because things change very fast when there is that baby.

  2. Congratulations on your engagement!!!!   Those feelings are normal and it's natural to be wanting to start your family as soon as possible.  The important thing is that you do recognize that now may not be the best time.  I would suggest that you take some time alone with your hubby once you are married to enjoy each other and get used to marriage.  Since you have a choice ;)  

    Marriage is awesome but hard work and it takes some getting used to.  My husband and I decided that we would be ready 3 years after we were married.  Actually, we pretty much stuck to that plan and are thankful that we did.  Now you know you can never be totally ready for a baby but you can be more prepared.  It sounds like with your soon-to be hubby leaving soon it would be best to wait for a bit.  The biggest stressors in life are, birth, marriage, moving and a new job.  

    As for the wanting, that is understandable and I want you to know that you are NOT alone lol.  Especially hanging out on here enough;)  

    I would suggest making a list of all the things that you both would like to have accomplished before having a baby.  What your goals are, if you are going to be a stay home mom and however the finances will be involved.  Talk to some friends that you trust and they can also offer support with these cravings.  You can also volunteer at a hospital holding babies or even offer to baby sit to get your baby fix;)  I did that for a while heheh.

    We want the best chance for a happy marriage and healthy baby.  Trust me, been raised by a pretty much single mom most my life and it's hard... I do not take the importance of family for granted.  

    You sound very mature and I wish you and your fiance' all the best :)

    Blessings :)

  3. Yep! go and work at a day care for a while. that will help.

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