
I am having trouble getting my child up what should i do?

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I am having trouble getting my child up what should i do?




  1. Are they getting enough rest.Maybe go to be earlier,or is it the time change.I for one am affected by this.Don't want to go to bed or get up.Some ages(stages of growth) makes it hard to wake them cause they need more rest.Have to just keep at it.Throw off covers and point feet toward the floor.

  2. My 2 sons, ages 7, and 8, were awful to get up in the morning. They would get 11 hrs. sleep a night, and still not want to get up. We have been telling them if I have to call them more than twice in the morning, than they have to go to bed 15. min. earlier that night. It is working great, so far!

  3. Put him to bed earlier.

  4. Make the child go to school in his/her pjs.

  5. throw water on his/her face !! =] works for me!

  6. Try putting her to bed a half hour earlier.  Go into her room about 30 min before she actually has to be up and try to wake her, at 15 min open her curtains partially to let some sun in. When it is time to get up if she is still in bed then go in open the curtains all the way and pull off the covers.

  7. I've found that humor always works best.  It keeps it from being a power struggle.

    I tickle my son awake in the morning.  He loves that.  My daughter would hate it - so the dog wakes her up.  

    More sleep is a good suggestion, but if your child is like mine they can get all the sleep in the world and just hate getting out of bed in the morning.

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