
I am having trouble reading small print. Should I go and see an optimist? ?

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I am having trouble reading small print. Should I go and see an optimist? ?




  1. Don't you mean 'optician'?

    An optimist is someone who has a positive outlook on life.

    If you went to see him, he'd tell you there was no problem at all!

  2. Certainly not-you should see a pessimist,but i don,t think it will do you much good---

  3. u sound very optimistic about it , so why not?

  4. Yes, of course

  5. YES!

  6. yep!

  7. yeah you should before the situation gets worse  

  8. You reading problem could be because of a number of reasons.  However the most common reason is a nutritional deficiency.  Your eyes needs certain vitamins in order to function properly.  The vitamins needed includes Vitamin A.  Protein is also important for good vision.

    Eat lots of bright colored fruits and vegetables, inclusive of green leafy vegetables.  Drink home made fruit and vegetable juices several times per day. Use a variety of fruits or vegetables to make juices.

    Foods that supplies vitamin A are animal livers, fish liver oils, and green and yellow fruits and vegetables.  Foods that contain significant amounts include apricots, asparagus, beet greens, broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, collards, dandelion greens, dulse, fish liver and fish liver oil, garlic,  kale, mustards greens, papayas, peaches, pumpkin, red pepper, spirulina, spinach, sweet potatoes, swiss chard, turnip greens, parsley, peppermint, plantain, cayenne (capsicum), watercress, and yellow squash.

    You may also use carotene supplements.

    Nuts, seeds and grains are also important in your diet.  

  9. If you are having a problem reading any size print, you very well may need corrective lenses (glasses), to fix your problem, therefore, yes you should go see either an optometrist or ophthalmologistt (MD) as soon as possible. It sounds like you may be far sighted, which means that you are able to see distance well, but you have trouble with close-up, such as reading.

    Your problem can be rectified very easily with either glasses or contact lenses.

    Good luck, Den

  10. i did they gave me glasses that make the words bigger

  11. maybe an opticians would be better?

  12. an optimist would just tell you your fine and not to optOmitrist on the other hand will test your eyes!

  13. Yes, if you feel optimistic about an unqualified person advising you on your eyesight.  

  14. You'd better see an optometrist...the optimist may only make you feel better.

  15. 7/10 - not your best work.

  16. Well, it would definately help improve your out look.

  17. Only if you want to see the positive aspects of what is happening to you. You might also want to see an optometrist or ophthalmologist for your developing vision issues.

  18. i think you answered your own Question. which is yes.

  19. Providing your age would significantly have changed the reason/cause potentially. If you are late thirties to mid forties, sometimes older, then you are most likely to have what is known as presbyopia. Quite simply old age which has slowed down the accommodating ability of the lens in your eye. Everyone of us is guaranteed to get age related reading aids at some stage of our lives. If your vision is otherwise good, then a pair of 'ready reader' can be picked up off the shelf to allow you to read small print. If you already wear some form of glasses, then your reading prescription will be built into the lens, they are commonly known as 'bifocals' (distance and near), or even better 'varifocals' (accommodate to various distances and near).

    If you are much younger and suffering from an inability to read small print, then it best to see an optician. You may very well have developed some form of prescription which should be suitably corrected using glasses or the like.

    Hope this helps

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