
I am having trouble urinating at 36 and half weeks. What's wrong?

by  |  earlier

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I have to constantly which is normal and i have been that way for the whole pregnancy but now I am having problems going. It hurts and I have to really concentrate and force it out. The frequency hasn't changed but its hard to go. Sorry for the details but anyone else having this this problem?




  1. the reason will be that ur baby is lying on ur blabbe or tubes that lead out of u. dont worry once ur little one is out u will be able to pee propa. if ur still concerned then see a doc

  2. Sounds to me like you have a urinary tract infection and you should see your doctor. UTIs can lead to preterm delivery and need to be treated promptly.

  3. If I waited to long to pee is usually when I would have a problem. Next time you have to go I read that if you take your hands and lift up from the bottom of your belly it helps relieve pressure from the bladder and will help in emptying the bladder more completely. I tried it out myself, I peed first till I thought I was done and then lifted my belly and more came out.....weird but works for me. Also it could also be a urinary tract infection and if not treated could cause problems. In either case you should contact your ob and let them know. I'm sure they'll be able to help! Good Luck

  4. Could you possibly have a UTI?  I know when I get one, it's painful and hard to go.  

  5. I've heard of this happening before, I'd say it's definitely a reason to call your doctor to be on the safe side.

  6. yes. my mom had that same problem when she was pregnant with me, she called her doc. and he told her to come in because she was in labor and i was born that same day.  

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