
I am having trouble with my hdtv?

by Guest61850  |  earlier

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I came home one day and put a dvd in the xbox 360 and our tv got no signal through the 5 component cables we normally use so i switched them to the second port nothing still so i figured it was my xbox so we returned it for another got the new xbox home and hooked it up and it worked for about 20 minutes then started to turn green and pixelated then just shut off now occassionaly i get the green picture back but mostly just no signal but it plays just fine through a standard cable tv antennae connection so we bought an hdmi converter to see if this would still pick up but no luck is it possible that whatever part that processes rca cables and hdmi could have gone out but my coaxial cable is just fine? its an olevia 32 inch tv and they are known for problems they said they would send a part and a tech out but i hear their customer service is both poor and slow any help would be appreciated Erik




  1. it's probably the digital board in the tv

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