
I am having trouble with the Ferber method of getting 7 month old to there another method?

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I have tried the ferber metod and it is not for me. I also will not do co-sleeping as the family bed interupts the marrige bed..and I do want her to sleep on her own...any ideas (please don't preach about family bed or ferber method...although I realize these are very good methods for some neither work for me. Thanks:-)




  1. Rock your baby. Most babies enjoy rocking and cuddling as part of their bedtime routine.

    Nurse or bottle-feed your baby. Babies love to fall asleep while eating; in fact, sometimes it's hard to keep them awake long enough to finish a meal. (This is what we do with our 9-month old, bath, bottle then bed between 8-9pm)

    Swing your baby. Mechanical swings or rocking cradles can calm fussy babies and help them drift off to sleep.

    Dance with your baby. A good lullaby or smooth jazz CD, a dark room and a slow dance often send a baby to sleep.

    Bathe your baby. A warm bath about an hour before going to bed is a great way to relax your baby and help her sleep.

    Go for a drive or walk. Many babies who resist falling asleep in a crib or bed will happily drift off in a car seat in a moving vehicle, in a sling or frontpack, or in a stroller or carriage.

    Read, talk and sing to your baby. Even if she's too young to understand the words, the gentle rhythms of your voice may help her get to sleep.

    Turn on a fan or other source of white noise. The steady buzz of a fan, or even the static from a baby monitor with the transmitter turned off, can help a baby tune out other sounds.

    Do laundry. The gentle vibration and white noise of a laundry room often help a baby get to sleep. Some desperate parents even put the baby in her car seat on top of the dryer.

    Develop a routine. Mealtime, bath time, cuddle time and story time will naturally lead to bedtime once your baby gets used to the pattern

    You might also check Dr. Sears website (31 ways to get your baby to sleep):

    And another website:

  2. the only thing that worked with my son was jet lag! We recently traveled overseas and were in 8-hour time difference from home part of the world. he started sleeping through the night when we got back -- he was 2.5 years old.

    Some kids just don't sleep through the nite until they're older.

    Also -- getting the child tired before going to sleep works too. We play Simon says and I make my son do all kinds of acrobatics and running around before he goes to bed.

  3. Becca, I'm like you , I tried all the attachment parenting stuff and I didn't like it. I love my son and I would hold him , kiss him etc. as much as I could But, when it comes to your sleep and your babies sleep.....good old fashioned lay that baby down at bedtime in her crib and let her work out falling asleep on her own is the best way to go . Babywise is a great book.I followed their tips and  I have never had sleeping issues with my son who is now 2 b/c i stuck to what i truely believe in, that its okay for babies to have their own sleeping space and for parents o have theirs. Yes, your little girl will cry an it will hurt your soul but, crying is ok, she will be ok.

    You will see that it doesn't take long for little ones to adjust to being put down in their cribs and soothing themselves to sleep. I think your setting your baby up for good independent sleeping habits the earlier you start. I dont let my 2 year old sleep in bed with us unless he is really sick/fever ...........its better this way for everyone :) good luck

  4. Try Elizabeth Pantly "No Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers"

  5. make hime sleep in a swing, a car ride is good. you could rock him to sleep. a ride in a pram could also help.

  6. there is a perfect book for you....and i am not being sarcastic though you have to follow it  truly for t to is best o start early but 7 month is still plenty ....

    Babywise...the key to a good nights sleep

    it really works.... my mother in law bought it at walmart for me...i had twin boys and was serious sleep deprived from breast/bottle feeding c-sec complications and the hour plus rides back and forth to the doc and three months bed rest....

    so all i wanted/needed was the boys to sleep at the same time and be as none fussy as babies can be....

    a miracle  right?

    well what little time in between the every two hour feeding and that i mean by you start timing at the feeding and that basically meant 30 min at a time snooze around the clock feeding at first...

    and in 2 weeks give or take....all through the 2 1/2 months

  7. Try exercises with your lil one.  Also, try spanning out the eating times, so he/she will eat more at each feeding.  If you're lacking sleep because of your child (which I'm sure you are) try a day care with other children.  Even if it's just a couple hours a day.  Babies are very stimulated by other children, and will more likely stay awake when there's something exciting for him/her.  The longer they are awake during the day, the more mommy and baby sleep at nite.  :) Plus, this will give you some alone time that you really need. I do agree that sometimes the baby does need to fall asleep by itself, so if crying gets it done then so be it.  And you are wise for not bringing the baby in with you.  My son is 11 and still comes in my bed in the middle of the nite.  And I don't know it til morning.    If none of that works try whiskey.  Not for the baby, for you (ha,ha).  Actually, all kidding aside, my son's dr. told me to give him benadryl at bedtime to get him to sleep.  I never did, because I felt uncomfortable, but it may be something to talk about with the pediatrician.   Good luck to you!

  8. Try rocking him to sleep, or holding him to sleep. Then when he his asleep put him down in his crib. You can tell they are in a deep sleep when their arms are limp.

    A book that helped me was the no-cry sleep solution, by Elizabeth Pantley. It does suggest co-sleeping, but it also gives options to those who aren't into that.

    I also here you on the Ferber method. I tried it one night and it broke my heart! My son's 2 now and sleeps well on his own.

    Good luck, this stage will pass.

  9. has a great article about 31 methods to get your baby to sleep, I'll provide a link here if it asks you to sign up for something just click on the link at the bottom that says "No Newsletter for Me, Take me to My Article" I dunno why sometimes it pops you on to that page but it does, it's really informative.

  10. I started off having my son sleep with me and my husband and it did cause problems in our relationship. So what I did was start off slowing by putting my son in his own room when he fells asleep, with a night light on and he would stay asleep the whole night or I would sleep in the room with my son until he fell asleep. I was making progress until I started working 3rd shift so now my husband prefers him in our bed so he wont be lonely. lol. I just take my sons room now. There goes my progress.

  11. I have never heard of ferber method?

    could you explain.

  12. I firmly believe in a very set routine, it works! My son isn't one of them easy babies, he's now 18 months old and even more demanding then ever, but i started him in his own room and bed at 7 months old, i remember the 1st week or so being very draining and tiring, i was like the living dead and was SO close to putting back into our room, BUT i thought, no, i have come this far and i am NOT giving up now, so i stuck at it, my routine was and still is as follows (briefly): Bath time, dressed in our room, downstairs for relax time with milk and then after milk straight up to bed and left to sleep alone, i just make sure he's as settled as possible before leaving and put on his lullaby wind up box and monitor and leave the room. I have also invested in a blackout blind as it helps that his room is very dark. And still 11 months on he goes to bed with minimal fuss and it's great. It has to be the easiest thing i have to do with my son believe it or not. Good luck and be persistant :)

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