
I am headed to India and would like help Locating a friend!?

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Is there a directory or someone to find people like we have in the states i.e Yellowpages over there. I would like to find him before i go there. I need like a address , phone number or something.




  1. You can check the telephone directory that is available online here:

    Usually, people in India who have landline telephone service are subscribed with BSNL company. If you know the name of your friends father, you can search the directory using that, or if the telephone is registered in your friend's name, then search it using your friend's name.

    Another possibility is to search Orkut website, a community website like Facebook and Myspace. This is Google's, and you might know about this already. Student population in India usually use this to keep with touch with others. You can just make a general search in there, using your friend's name, school that he would have went to, his hometown, etc.

    Usually, other friends or acquaintances that you meet in India might guide you to who you are searching.

    Good luck in finding him. It is always pleasant to meet a good old friend.

  2. people in India who have landline telephone service are subscribed with BSNL company. If you know the name of your friends father, you can search the directory using that, or if the telephone is registered in your friend's name, then search it using your friend's name.

    Another possibility is to search Orkut website, a community website like Facebook and Myspace. This is Google's, and you might know about this already. Student population in India usually use this to keep with touch with others. You can just make a general search in there, using your friend's name, school that he would have went to, his hometown, etc.

    Usually, other friends or acquaintances that you meet in India might guide you to who you are searching.

  3. everything is avilable in all country but you havent specified , which country you are talking about.. add some details in your question would be able to help you

  4. if its mumbai, check in the local MTNL telephone sites./ but chances are that, you will find 100s with similar name

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