
I am holding a protest

by  |  earlier

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I live about 20 miles north of Atlanta, Georgia, and I am holding a protest against KFC.

I am not a citizen of the United States, and if I break a law, I will be deported.

I want to hold a safe and legal protest. If anybody has any comments, or web sites that can help, I would really appreciate it!

Thanks to everybody so much :]




  1. 1. Contact the local police department and ask them what steps you need to take to organize a peaceful, legal protest. There may be permits to acquire, or a fee, but so long as you contact law enforcement first, and abide by their rules/suggestions, you will have the law on your side when you hold your protest.

    2. Once you have approval from local law enforcement, notify the local media (TV, Newspapers, Radio, etc..) If it is important enough to protest, then it is important enough to let the community know when you are doing it. If you can, schedule it for a Sunday. I used to work as an assignment editor for several local news affiliates, and Sunday's are the "deadest" news days. The media may be looking for news to fill their program, and pay more attention to you than on other days.

    3. Make sure that people show up with you. If you are out there protesting all by yourself, people will assume you're a bit nuts and not pay you the attention or respect you may deserve. If there are a lot of people out there, however, then individuals will assume that your platform for protest has merit and pay more attention to your message.

    Good luck!

  2. You need to be deported for trying to do that to KFC. Why, how dear you.
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