
I am homeschooled but i have friends but people stall ask me if i do have friends and i am sick of it.HELP?

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  1. "Of course I have friends...Why?... Do you need some?"

  2. I've been homeschooled my entire life and people I've known for a while still ask me that too. Unless they have been homeschooled before, they don't understand how our social lives work. They think the only way to meet people is by a brick-and-mortar school. If they ask you, turn the question around. If they say "But I meet them at school", then say "Well, I meet them at  ______. School isn't the only place where you can meet friends."

    Don't take it personally when people ask you. They often just haven't been homeschooled themselves.

  3. I have 7 nephews and nieces - they went through some of this:

    a) most of them stuck with a simple 'Yes, and?' response;

    b) keep in mind they're being socialized by their classmates, most of whom don't qualify as 'friends', so they learn to provoke in order to make themselves feel better.  You're on the winning side of things...

  4. "Yes, I do.  Why do you ask, don't you have friends?"


    "I don't have time to talk about that right now, I'm going to go get together with my friends."

  5. Do you, though?

  6. You need to accept that they don't know any better. Think of it like being an information person at the mall and people asking you the same question all the time, "Where are the bathrooms or such and such a store?" They don't know, so they ask the question. Chalk it up to curiosity and be willing to talk to them about it.

    I can understand that it's still frustrating, but other than flipping the tables on them to get them to think, there's not much you can do because a lot of people simply don't know. I know a few homeschooled kids who were thinking of getting shirts made that said, "I'm homeschooled and YES, I have friends." :) You've just got to accept it.

  7. Turn the question around, (In otherwards) put it in their lap:

    Do you have friends?

    I believe this will help them stop asking, such stupid questions.

  8. There is really nothing you can do about that, just simply answer yes. When your homeschooled people are always curious about the childs social life. Wich is rediculous.

  9. Try buying a BluTooth ear piece and talking aimlessly to no one like everyone does.  It will dissuade them.

    There is nothing more annoying then going to the relatives and talking to Kristy and Melissa and Tammy and Jenny all through dinners.

    Your family will eventually ask you to STOP talking to your friends and that will put an end to it forever.

  10. It's a pain I know.   Watch this video to get a laugh!  LOL  This kid homeschools and talks about having "friends".

  11. Well it depends, do you have friends (since your homeschooled and stuff)?

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