
I am house-sitting and the owner's plants are dying....?

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It is a summer job, and I am supposed to water all the plants. It has been very hot lately, and I've been watering the outside plants about every day or every other day...but they are dying! I don't know why. Any tips to bring these plants back to life? Maybe some Miraclegrow?




  1. stick your finger in the pots and check if they are dried out. if they are give them a good drink when its not burning hot. If you water them when its too hot it will do more harm than good. water the leafs too.

    If the soil is wet then don't water them that day. too much water can drown a plant.

  2. Miracle-gro will not bring anything back to life.  It could be that some of the plants are just done blooming for the year.  Are they wilting and turning brown?  They probably just need more water.  When you water, be sure to water A LOT.  If you can give them the equivalent of one inch of water, it will get the water all the way through the roots, then you can water less often.

    If you could give some specific symptoms, maybe I could help more.  Good luck!

  3. Most plants die because of too much water.  Some will die in direct light.  Back off on the watering. Let the soil dry before watering. Some plants like having wet roots all the time.  Look the plant up and see what it needs.

  4. I hope you are not watering them when it is the hottest time of day or in the morning. It is best to water plants in the evening once its cooled down. You could be allowing the plants to get sunburnt(sounds crazy but it happens!). Also, not all plants need to be watered daily or even weekly! If thats the case with some of them, you may be drowning them. If you can try to call the owners of the house and ask what plants they have and how they take care of them.

  5. it depends on many things

    what the plants are

    where you are-what is the weather like etc

  6. Miracle grow is certainly an option. It can't hurt. You also may want to prune the plants by breaking off any dead leaves.

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