
I am hungry and its almost 1:00 at night what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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i am hungry




  1. go to bed

  2. eat

  3. go to McDonald's

    they are open 24 hours

  4. cook up some noodles. Add some herbs and butter.


    melt some chocolate chips and peanut butter. Freeze in muffin cups. Instant Reeses Peanut Butter cups


    Jelly and Cheese sammich


    Omelet/scrambled eggs



  5. When that happens to me I just make some crackers and cheese and have some fruit

  6. Eat.

  7. Um eat something??

  8. Depends.  If you're going to bed within the next 3-4 hours, drink water.  If you eat before bed, you will not burn the calories.  That's a big no no if you're watching your weight.

    If you're gonna eat something anyway, keep it light, like a piece of fruit or yogurt.

    I know this question is under Fast Food, but I haven't eaten that stuff for over 15 years so I can't recommend where to go out to eat.  Sorry.

  9. Go to Shari's and get a Barnbuster platter. Wait, are there Sharis on the East coast?  Go to a 24hour Taco Bell, and get a grande meal

  10. Make a sandwitch and then go to bed.

  11. denny   craker barrell

  12. fry up some eggs over easy with tomatoes and butter some toast...

  13. well it depends, are u over weight and are trying to lose weight? if so then I would say eat a piece of fruit or better drink a little sip of warm milk or drink some water. sometimes when I wake up hungry in the night I will drink a little sip of milk, not warm tho, dont want to wake up enough to warm it up but that always takes away the hunger pains.  good luck

  14. Wafflehouse or Huddlehouse

  15. Go to Denny's and pick up a Lumberjack slam.

  16. nothing too heavy will do

  17. have some fruits.

  18. EAT, ha those are my initials....but anyway you could eat, who cares if its 1am burn off the calories tommorow

  19. go to taco bell!!!!!

  20. go to IHOP!

  21. Come over, I'll make up some corn so we can tell corny jokes together!

    I'm making a joke. Have a light breakfast. After all, it is morning!

    It's 1 by me, also!

  22. perhaps .find a place that sells food 24 hrs a day.  if there r no places, then o well.

  23. two options

    call a take out. they should be open or else how are dunk people you mange to use a phone gonna eat?

    raid the fridge. you might have microwave meals

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