
I am hypertensive, how can I live a stress- free life with two cute but naughty toddlers at home?

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I am only 39, non smoker, non drinker, slim, and healthy food eater. Lately I have been diagnosed as hypertensive 140/100 which many believed have been due to stress over my two kids ages 3 and 2. I found them so cute and lovely kids the reason why I get so stressed and fearful everytime they do something that scares me like climbing high tables, chairs,fearing rthey might fall!, mouthing their fingers with dirt on, uncooperativeness while brushing their teeth and many childish toddler behaviors that continually steressed me... What should I do. I love my kids but they caused my death....Should I just ignore their behaviors as what my sister in law told me to take everything easy , but how?....thanks for any help




  1. First of all, thanks for posting this question here. Many of them in your age including me facing simillar issues.  We should remember one thing..  All mischief being done by our kids can be rememberd only by us. Not by them.  Do we remember wot we did when we were kids.. So we have to take as positive and try to enjoy as much we can. I agree with your sister-in-law advise to some extent.. but don't treat them more pampher and give all they need ?  Be strict sometimes. So they will deliver the best in coming days.. Divert their intrest into music by playing some good songs and made them to dance .. You too.  . :)

  2. Your toddlers sound absolutely normal.  It might help you to re-frame your perceptions of their 'naughtiness'.  Most of the time it's not the end of the world if they take a tumble now and again, eat a bit of dirt or don't clean their teeth properly.   By letting them get on with some of those things they're actually doing a lot of learning - provided they're not at the top of scaffolding!

    My mum told me to learn to pick my battles and that seems to work...most of the time!

  3. they did not cause your death, you just don't know how to deal with them!  how is that their fault?  put them in daycare and get a job.  that way you get a break, as do they.  you will appreciate them more at the end of the day and maybe not freak out so much about them being kids!

  4. Well, the only thing I can say is just try to be calm yourself. See children learn from example. If you get easily upset, they pick up on it and then it makes them act out. So try to make a game out of daily activites to make things go smoother. It works with my two year old daughter, if she gets too loud or something I say did see it, and she says what, and I make something up and it gets her imagination going aswell. You just have to be creative with kids, and remain calm and that will teach them to remain calm, also if you have a spouse then let them know that they need to help get them to be calm.. or just have them play in their room while you rest. and do not stress to much about them climbing, because they have to learn one way or another, I am not saying don t watch them I am just saying hold your reaction at bay until they respond, cause kids are tougher and smarter than we think and they respond to us by our response. Good Luck!

  5. I have twin 3 year olds who tend to get quite "naughty" at times (most of the time lol). I'm a single mother and I stress SO easily and sometimes feel like they're going to make me have a nervous breakdown. The only thing that has helped me is to just STOP before you make any reaction to what they're doing. Stop and breathe. Then breathe again. And again. Then remind yourself that they are little kids. Kids do that kind of thing. If you let yourself become upset, you will. So don't allow it to happen. Mine also climb on stuff, including my kitchen counter. They do it right in front of me, right after I've told them no. It's really hard to keep calm, but I just pull them off of the counter, put them on the floor, and breathe. I would really suggest babyproofing an area of your house and putting up gates to they have to stay in that area. If there's nothing for them to climb or get really hurt on, you can rest a little easier. I gated off my living room and dining room and don't have anything in there that they can really get hurt on (no lamps, no dining room chairs, etc.). It doesn't really make for a stylish living space, but my sanity is more important lol. My sons have learned how to open the gates, so I have to look for another solution, but it should work for you for a while. Good luck.

  6. Don't ignore their behavior but maybe get into a playgroup with them. Being around other moms with kids the same age would probably help. Also, there are classes for helping you deal with stress.

    Some things though you could probably ignore. Like the dirt, that's just going to happen now or later, I played softball as a pitcher and had to l**k dirt off my hands constantly to keep the ball from slipping.

    It also sounds like they need somewhere to get some energy out in a focused environment. Maybe gymnastics or swim classes would help.

  7. try breathing techniques, i have really bad anxieties about driving they have really come to help. the best technique i have found is to breath like i am blowing a very big bubble, it works when you are very upset and crying, it slows down your breathing enough so that you can calm down, as for your fears..... kids will be kids they are resilient, but if there is a problem you should never ignore it, good luck and remember to breathe

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