
I am in 10th grade and I want to be homeschooled?

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So I am in 10th grade and I hate high school. It's all about popularity and fashion fads. I just want to get out of there and get my education.Also, I am sick a lot. It all started when I was in 6th grade. My grandmother died and my mom is a single mother. So then I missed a lot of days in school there. So in 7th grade my mom was diagnosed with hepatitus c and my sister and I had to take care of her. So I missed a lot of days in 7th.Then in 8th grade I started having kidney problems. So in and out of the doctor missed school. Then when I started 9th grade, I was excited and I thought that everything would be fine. Then, my sister tried to commit sucide. So I missed wayy to much school then. Now, in 10th grade its really hard because everytime I think that I am gone to get back on track with attendance something goes wrong. I have already got off to a bad start with absences this year. I just know I am gone to fail. My sister dropped out, and my mom was thinking homeschool for me?




  1. Here's a great book you'd enjoy:

    The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to quit school, and get a real life."

    You're right, HIgh school is stupid, and none of the social dynamics in high school exist in the mature world.  It sounds like you could use a break, mentally, and homeschooling could be a great respite to help heal.  

    Good Luck.

  2. my son is in 10th grade and he just started at IQ Academies. its a great school online and you get

    a laptop and printer to use. And the books you just pay for

    shipping. email them and see if they have it in your state.

    We are from Wisconsin

  3. I would encourage you to stay with a program high school or GED because you do not seem to have a strong support system to help you plan courses and do projects and travel to see places etc. And that is what homeschooling involves - learning in differnt ways that apply to your life.

    GED programs can be very good and youhave the structure of going in and getting some opinions on your work.

    BTW you sound very mature and intelligent but you are young and without some structure in your day...things might not progress.

    Can you tlk to your guidance counselor about alternative programs??

  4. It sounds like a great idea to me. Im kinda in the same boat as you, i missed almost two weeks already and school just started.

  5. I am so sorry about your grandmother; I bet you miss her.  It seems to me that you have had a lot of tragedy in your life; I am glad your mom wants to home school you.  I know many people who are homeschooled.  They all do great.  You need to fill out some papers with your school district, get the required curriculum,  complete it, and take the required tests.  You are then in compliance with the compulsory education laws.  I think your mom must explain her plans for helping you complete the 10th grade in some of the paperwork. In terms of education home schooling in fine.  I just do not know how you can learn the math at home, but there must be websites to help you.  However, socially, you will miss out on some clubs and activities that are available in high school.  Is there any way you can join a town swim team or tennis club, or perhaps, join choir at the place you worship, if you do worship?.  Home schooling sounds great, but just try and join some clubs where you will meet good young people, like yourself. As for fashion fad, personally,  I think all schools should impose some kind of dress code so school is not about fashion fads.  I think everyone should wear a light blue or white shirt, blue, khaki, or black pants, and white sneakers or black shoes; that would take fashion fad off the table.   It is hard to be the most popular girl when you have had so much tragedy in your life.  I highly respect your mother for raising such an obviously highly intelligent girl.  Try and find an activity that is close by so your mom does not have to transport you and your sister to and from too many places. Perhaps you could even find a part-time job when you are 16.   It must be difficult for your mom and you girls. Good luck.

  6. You should look for an online school.  They cost a bit, but it gives you a teacher to explain your work, and they'll definitely be accredited.

    Some state's homeschooling programs aren't accredited.  So when you finally get to graduation day, your transcript will be blank for the years you were homeschooled.

    Before signing up with an online school, if you choose to, call some of the colleges you plan on attending to make sure they accept that schools accreditation, especially if it's an out-of-state school.

  7. Have your parents withdraw you and go to the Adult Learning Center.  You can get your diploma in a year if you work hard, and you don't have to put up with the pretty girls, the fancy girls, the best dressed girls, etc.  I hated that, too.  Also, your local community college may have classes you can take for free.  My DIL is going there now for her GED.  She quit school in the ninth grade because she couldn't study high.

  8. Good choice!! As long as your mother keep up with checking work your good to go!

  9. I think homeschooling would be great for you.  Hopefully you and your mom can research it and decide, but if you're both willing to do it, it would probably work out great.  If you have specific questions about it you can always come back here and ask away!

  10. well if you do want to go to homeschooling go to eagles peek its a very good school tthats were i go you should attend it i think youll like it ;]

  11. Hello! First, I would like to say how sorry I am about your grandmother. I now how you feel on that end. I hope your mom is doing better! And, I hope you kidney is otay! Also, it's unfortunate that your sister wanted to take her life but, I'm glad she's still with you and your mom! Secondly, Homeschooling is a GREAT idea! I was homeschooled for 1st to 3rd grade, then 7th grade. Now I'm in 10th grade just like you :) and now im going to school online! There are some great curriculums out there! You should check and see if your state has an online high school... FOR FREE!!! For instance you could search: [your state here] Virtual School

    I'm going to Alpha Omega Academy! It should be really fun! But if you need any help with anything else don't be afraid to ask I would be glad to help!

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