
I am in DESPERATE need of help! Someone help me!!!?

by  |  earlier

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this is about a nightmare i had recently

My guy friend told me he was having nightmares about this girl and that it was really scaring him. Then that night i had a dream about her too,

the dream started when he was talking to him that day, and suddenly he stopped walking and i had the feeling like there was something really important i needed to tell him. And then he said "look" and he kept saying it over and over. But i didn't know what he meant. Finally he said "look down" and I looked down and i saw the girl dead on the sidewalk next to us,

I tried to ask my friend what she was doing here and why she was dead but it was one of those dreams where you couldn't talk. And then i could feel he was really upset about something, and then he said "look down" again. And instead of her dead on the ground it was me. Then i woke up.

But the weirdest part is that I have never met this girl, I have no idea what she looks like or anything like that, only that my friend was dating her. So the next day I told him the dream and he thought it was interesting i would have a dream about her seeing as i have never met her before, so he asked me to describe what she looked like in the dream, and her dream image is exactly what she really looks like.

I have no idea what to make of it, can someone help me? Any suggestions?





  1. Dreams pick up on really small things, maybe you have picked up tiny details from your friend when he has talked about this girl and your dream has mixed them all together.

    Maybe - and this is a bit "out there" - you have picked up on her looks by hearing about her personality. I know that sounds weird but have you ever met some one who looks a lot like someone you know and then realised that they are actually the same SORT of person, I know I have.

    Maybe you just got a bit lucky in your description - you were dreaming, unless this was a particularly vivid dream that you have remembered with unusual clarity the details you gave to your friend must have been a bit vague - his imagination has probably done the rest.

    One final thing to point out is that even when people try to interpret dreams as visions of the future the exact detail is nearly always different to the meaning that is taken; for example dreams of death generally signify great change - worst case scenario, if your friend is still dating this girl he might not be for much longer.

    Be well

  2. Have your friend call her and talk.  Make sure she's okay.  Don't tell her that you guys have been having dreams about her dying... it'll freak her out.  If she seems depressed or something have him encourage her to get help.

    Probably there's nothing to the dreams so don't worry about it beyond that.  (Yeah, it's freaky that she looked like herself in your dream but it's possible you've seen a picture that you forgot or he'd described her to you before or you just know what type of girl he likes... try not to freak.)

  3. That's kinda scary, i have been in that same problem... just calm down and tell ur parents or talk to a couniseler... he/she might be able to help!  Good Luck!

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