
I am in Florida ,we split the tips between me,the owner and cook.What is the laws on Tips?r=1220452148?

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I am needing to know if it is legal for the owners to get part of the tips.Plus if I have waited on a table and they "clock" me off brfore I leave I am not allowed to get any part of the tips from the tables I waited on! They claim they came in early to cook and prep so it is on fair this way.I told them that the waitress usually gets the whole tip from that table snd doesnt have to split it with anyone.The husband does help waiter but the cook getting a tip,Come on!




  1. I am a waitress in n.y. and  the waitress gets the whole tip.the owner has no right to even touch your tip let alone get part of it.the law might be different for you but i don't think so.waitresses make a different min. wage then cooks so the tips make up the rest to put your wage at the state min. wage.what these people are doing to you is illegal and wrong!

  2. Hi,

    I'm in GA.

    I used to work at a pizza place.

    It was a home owned business.


    One of 2 people plus the owner would split tips.

    One person would cook.

    One would waitress.

    And then the Owner would do whatever was necessary.


    Tech. yes it is fair.

    I mean the cook stays in the hot kitchen.

  3. You have a right to tips from any table you served, while pooling is allowed the situation you described does not sound kosher.  

    When I waited tables if for some reason I had to leave before a table was finished my tips were held for me until I worked next, if another employee did a good portion of the work after I left we split them.  

    According to this site it looks questionable, at best, if the owner can partake of the tipping:

    And on this site it looks like it is illegal -- scroll to the bottom of page 1 to retention of tips:

    I would contact your department of labor to make sure

  4. first of all the owner shouldn't get a cut of tips because he/she is owner and makes money from each high priced meal you serve.

    Second cook is getting a hourly wage maybe 8-10 dollars a hour. so why should he get a cut of tips

    third you are making about $2.30 a hour and need tips

    call fair labor in your area and see what they say, I have heard of waitress's, or waiters pooling tips and splitting at end of nite.

    And yes you are entitled to any and all tips left on tables after your shift ends.

    call labor relations also

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