
I am in IT but w/o a job for the last 5 and 1/2 years.What is a realistic chance that i may find one?

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If i go for an interview they will ask me what do i do currently and then if i reply saying i am jobless for 5 and 1/2 yrs. it will go against me, what do i do?




  1. I would either find a new field ( even temporarily) or a new city . 5 1/2 years is a long time to be without work.if you find a different job for a while you can say i am currently employed as a  (blank) but want to get back to IT

  2. Not working in IT for 5 years is like a lifetime.  Technology has really changed monumentally in the last 5 years.  

    You would probably be best off starting in a tech support position and absorb any skills you can learn on the job.  I would also spend time off work learning new skills.  I will list a few of my favorite resources.  

  3. Guess that depends on what you have been doing in the time you were off, we ask our employees what and why were they without a job, so depends on your answer, and if you have expereince in that field you should do well.  

  4. if you are lazy like me and still want to make some money without having to worry about what to say in an interview try this

    good luck. or tell a lie.

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