
I am in India. Please suggest me some good online money earning opportunities.?

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I am looking for home based business opportunities. But I don't want to invest any money initially. Please suggest me some good online money earning opportunities.




  1. senore

    Hi suppose if you do free online jobs, you can gain little more profit and almost all them are scammers. So better you can go for paid online jobs. I would recommended one of the legit online job that is reselling business.

    Reselling business means you can just buy a website which contains Domain Registration plans,Hosting Plans,website builder,E-mail Marketing etc.. from a reseller for a particular amount and you can fix your price for that products and you can market it and gain more profit.I registered and got an account in  .I just have sold domains hosting plans at a higher price and gain more profit. You can also get the account from this site and gain more money.

    You can also pay $69.99/yr and get the reseller account from this site then earn more money through this business.


  2. Check this out

    IF you have skills you can earn unlimited

  3. try this             ""

  4. Please bear with us while we get your answer published on maybenow,This will not take long.We shall prompt you once its live!

  5. try this its easy, fun and wont take much or ur time
    its free to join

  6. is a great PTC site and please do not compare it with any other program out there. However, every program in the internet needs to be leveraged in order to protect your investment. Go here to see what other programs are paying and building incomes for many people around the world.

  7. Earn money through net in india, i am posting a site. this site is realy good site you can earn minimum 300 rupees per month with 15min of your daily time and if join people under you you can earn 3000 per day so join now.


    I have eanred 80000 frm here already I can email u my cheques so its not a fraud
    Register here first its free 2 register then i will tel u how 2 activate ur account, get ur own site like this and start promoting, also see the attached cheque in my profile photo of Rs 54000 in just 30 days which I got recently frm this company also see the website all details are given after that i will get back 2 u n clear your doubts you can eaisly earn 50 lakhs just by sponsoring 10 people and investment only 350 read website fully entire plan is given there.

  9. hi! anyone want free home based online job with out any invest or with out any reg fee pls join today i have two vacancy for u hurry.

  10. Earn Rs.2000 to Rs.3000 per day working from home

    Dear Friends, Are you interested to make Rs.2000 to Rs.5000 A Day ? This is not a get rich quick scheme. This is a legal opportunity to make good money when you do it part time. This opportunity is a proven way to make Rs.2000 to Rs.5000 A Day . There are already 3,00,000 people around the world grabbed this opportunity and making tons of money every month. If you are interested to know more about this opportunity, visit :
    Contact: 09883060799


    yes this is not a scam like most opportunities its an online business which can be done from home with just Rs 350 and I dont talk in the air I have proof too anyone who is genuinely intersted can send me an email at, I will send u scanned copy of my cheque, have eanred Rs.3 lakhs in 5 months here and also the details of the business but u have 2 work here so people who want money out of nothing and time wasters plz excuse, others send me a mail, u can also call me on 09883060799

    Website: Contact: 09883060799 Email:

  12. Earn Rs.50,000 per month by spending Rs.350 only. Any one who knows basic internet can do this work. Work just 1 to 2 hours every day. For details see the website:

    You can also contact me on my number :09883060799
    or email me at :

  13. Dear Friends, Are you interested to make Rs.2000 to Rs.5000 A Day ? This is not a get rich quick scheme. This is a legal opportunity to make good money when you do it part time. This opportunity is a proven way to make Rs.2000 to Rs.5000 A Day . There are already 3,00,000 people around the world grabbed this opportunity and making tons of money every month. If you are interested to know more about this opportunity, visit  :

  14. So far, the top PTC site I’ve found is Neobux.

    Register here (option is on the top-right corner:
    and start earning right away.

    As a standard member, you'll get 4 ads to click. Click each ad and wait till the time runs until it shows your account has been credited. (Only 1 ad at a time.)

    Do this everyday. Do not leave a single ad. Because each ad is precious. Refresh your View Advertisement page (option is on the top right-corner) from time to time. So you can find some extra ads.

    Later, if you reach atleast $3, you can earn more by renting referrals for 0.75 (three referrals). When your earnings increase even more, continue by renting more and more referrals. IMPORTANT: Renting referrals is the key to success.

    When you reach $110 or more, try upgrading your account, continue renting referrals and finally boost your earnings.

    Remember! Patience is the key. You won't get rich right way. It may take a few days. There are people who earn $1555 and more in just one month. Also never give up. You may think, it's just a little cents. But when you've rented and finally upgraded, you can see the blooming fruits of your labour.

    So get through the following link and register:
    and start clicking ads right away.

    More About Neobux
    * Neobux pays instantly via Paypal, Alertpay and NetTeller.  And they have special contracts WITH Alertpay and Paypal, which offer different rates for Neobux users.

    * They are Paypal Verified.

    * So far Neobux has been rock-solid in their payment structure, and have made over $15 MILLION in payments already!  This probably leaves Neobux with the top PTC site payouts so far.

    * Neobux goes to great pains to ban anyone trying to game the system.  Believe me, this is important when dealing with a PTC.  The ones that allow the ‘gamers’ to roam free, usually are the ones that won’t pay you when it comes time for your cashout.

    * They allow you to rent refferals in case you are unable to get direct referals on your own.

    Neobux stands as one of the top ptc sites in the entire PTC Industry. And as such, they offer one of the BEST MONEY EARNING OPPORTUNITIES in a LONG TIME!


    The next best ptc site is IncraseBux.

    Register here:

    Register with both these services and click ads daily.

    Good Luck.


    I have eanred 30000 frm here already I can email u my cheques so its not a fraud

    Register here first its free 2 register then i will tel u how 2 activate ur account, get ur own site like this and start promoting, also see the attached cheque in my profile photo of Rs 8300 in just 20 days which I got recently frm this company also see the website all details are given after that i will get back 2 u n clear your doubts you can eaisly earn 50 lakhs just by sponsoring 10 people and investment only 350 read website fully entire plan is given there


    I have eanred 30000 frm here already I can email u my cheques so its not a fraud

    Register here first its free 2 register then i will tel u how 2 activate ur account, get ur own site like this and start promoting, also see the attached cheque in my profile photo of Rs 8300 in just 20 days which I got recently frm this company also see the website all details are given after that i will get back 2 u n clear your doubts you can eaisly earn 50 lakhs just by sponsoring 10 people and investment only 350 read website fully entire plan is given there


    I have eanred 30000 frm here already I can email u my cheques so its not a fraud

    Register here first its free 2 register then i will tel u how 2 activate ur account, get ur own site like this and start promoting, also see the attached cheque in my profile photo of Rs 8300 in just 20 days which I got recently frm this company also see the website all details are given after that i will get back 2 u n clear your doubts you can eaisly earn 50 lakhs just by sponsoring 10 people and investment only 350 read website fully entire plan is given there

  18. Hi. Want to earn 1 lakh in 30 days? This is not a joke. Try this website Visit

    if u want to see the proof of me.i will send u the scanned copies of my cheques. my mail  its 100000% real..if u want to find any website is fraud or not..just type the website name space fraud in google(for ex: time2rich fraud)....u will get all the details regarding that site....try this with " scam"...... then u will get to know ab this ...

    this is really wonderful oppertunity for us to earn legally....

    forward this link to your friends ....who r in need of money...

    all the best

  19. sir iam k rafeek kerala malapuram iam working in federalfood com dubai  iam sailsman salery 2000 but disumber midil littil finansial problom i adgest com mony combany twold u pay all mony after u comuntil 20 days iam siting room ipay littil mony salery didin giv my be balanse less than 12000 dh itell com giv work i pay evry month now iam siting the room wat i will do i dont no please help me i need work care my famaly only help tell the combeny giv work i will pay combeny maneger malayali jaison mobail nom00971 50 6535404 my mob nom 00971 55 6609529 my sitweshon wery dinger icanot sleap even yeting no mony please help me i eny budy helping me good help bcoz my sitvasion very dainjer icanot tel no mony if help10000dh even lik loan ican rtn please please help me thankyou

  20. Hi. Want to earn 1 lakh in 30 days? This is not a joke. Try this website Visit

    if u want to see the proof of me.i will send u the scanned copies of my cheques. my mail  its 100000% real..if u want to find any website is fraud or not..just type the website name space fraud in google(for ex: time2rich fraud)....u will get all the details regarding that site....try this with then u will get to know ab this ...

    this is really wonderful oppertunity for us to earn legally....

    forward this link to your friends ....who r in need of money...

    all the best

  21. my name meena ......pls anser me i can 0 bal my invesetment pls talk to me

  22. Ok thats fine. You can start with Zero investment if you are ready to burn your time and a good amount of your brain. Need some patience too.

    No sales here, so it will be comparably easy if you apply some of your brain power.

    I can list few methods here, also please consider that I am to lazy to type the way to do it. So you can contact me if you need more details. Don't go fr click bank or affiliate marketing sites which ask you to make sales. You will hardly make a sale.

    1. File sharing (you will get paid each time when someone downloads your file for free)
    2. CPA (Cost per actions) - Dating sites or freebies sites are better (you will get paid each time when someone submits their email ID and NAME for something free)
    3. Article writing with associatedcontent(dot)com (I will teach you a method how you can submit articles to this site even without even writing an article)
    4. Pay Per Installs - (you get paid when some one installs an interesting free software on their system, which you referred.)
    5. Refer someone for a JOB - These site pay you when you refer someone for their Job vacancies. During this financial crisis time its a good option to run an on line Job consulting firm even without a basic setup. Just Join with them.

    Okk i think thats enough for you to start with. The important one is getting people to click your links and join those sites or programs you referred.

    Send me a mail, I will give you an ebook on few advertising techniques which which is legal but tricky. You are guaranteed to get a click.
    Mail me at or


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