
I am in Italy and bought an authentic throwing star. How do I get it home?

by Guest21582  |  earlier

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Ibought a throwing star as a sovenier gift for my little brother but it is a real one and i am pretty sure they are prohibited in canada. does anyone know how i can get this thing home hide it in something, mail it, etc.




  1. You can not bring weapons into Canada.  If you try to smuggle it in and you get caught, have fun in jail.  If you mail it it just might make it, send it to a post box not a home address.

  2. Your best option would be to mail it however they are prohibited in Canada and the fine/penalty if caught would be significantly greater than the value of the purchase.  If you try to smuggle it in you can be charged with an offence and the least you can expect is a fine.  While there are some exceptions for martial arts schools most of these type of weapons are prohibited.  I have included a link to Canada Customs for further information.

  3. Leave it in Italy

  4. try fedxing it to a relitive

  5. You'll get caught through the metal detector if you hide it. You shouldn't have your little brother play with that either. Just mail it to a friend, and have him hold it until you get back.


  6. Try doing the legal thing and leave it in Italy, you thug.

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