
I am in Ontario Canada here and am wondering how do I start a charity for parents who lose their infants?

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I'd like to know how I can take breavment councelling too, also ofering various things to parent like memory boxes, infant funeral clothes etc..Help




  1. First, make sure there is not already such a group. Call hospitals in your area -- they should know.

    Next, look at how other such organizations are set up in other parts of Canada, or even the USA. A Google search will connect you with MANY such organizations all over North America.

    Then, you need to get a very impassioned group of people together who support your idea, would be willing to provide at least some of the initial funding needed for the organization, and would be willing to serve as the board of directors of the eventual organization. You need to get letters of endorsement from existing organizations, like hospitals, saying this program is needed, and you need to have data that shows your target group is in need of this organization and that they are not served otherwise.

    You will need to create a business plan, showing how this organization would operate once launched; what paid positions would you have, and what volunteer positions would you have? How would you identify and recruit qualified professionals to provide counseling and handle administration of this organization?

    Once you have all this, then you can look into filing the necessary paperwork with the Canadian government to form a nonprofit organization.


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