
I am in a dilemma...60% of indians are getting converted to Islam and Christianity...So should i wait ?

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I am in a dilemma...60% of indians are getting converted to Islam and Christianity...So should i wait to be last Hindu on Earth or get converted...Help me....




  1. I am scholar on the unity of faith

    I hope I can help u

  2. If you actually ask people to choose the way you believe it means you are just waiting to jump in to a band wagon. By the way where did you get these figures???

    I would not be surprised to see the poor being lured into becoming muslims  by paying them some money so their violence is justified and divine in the eyes of islam or christianity. India is messed up.

  3. Dear friend, the present day Hindu are the followers of Prophet Abraham. With the passage of time hindus deviated from their original religion and started worshiping idols. They also started calling Abraham as Brahama. They also started worshiping people, whom they thought they are God.

    You must read Samaveda and RigVeda to know the above facts. There message is clear that God is only one and He has no shape. The Same message is revealed in Quran the holy book of Muslims. if you wish you can read Quran also (translated versions are availabe free of cost). then you decide the right path.

    Without knowing anything about other religion, you can't decide what to do.

    If same message is in Samaveda and Quran then why Islam?

    Because God has Changed the Syllabus like educational Institutes change. If we stick to old syllabus, we will be in loss.

    My Suggestion is to convert and be a true follower.

    Good wishes

    for more visit:

  4. ...........

    I am a Muslim and I believe that your assumptions are baseless and not corroborated by facts and figures.

    Hindus will always remain a majority in India. There is no such thing as you are propagating.

    When even during the Muslim rule of almost 1000 years the fanatic Sultans & Moghuls as they are painted, could not convert the majority of Hindus despite having absolute power, zeal and whale of a time, thinking that it is happening now is just a fools fear.


  5. If your statement is correct, there should not be any Hindu in India by now.

  6. It would be better to just drop all religions.  There are no gods.

    Religion is superstition.

  7. You are perfectly right.The pseudo-secular and minority appeassement politics has led to deterioration of our Hindu culture and has led to dilutement of our religion and people.

    Fight this with your heart,soul and mind.

    I'm doing my bit to convince the ppl around me and i have suceeded in preventing 18 people from converting and keep spreading the good messge of Hinduism.

    Save our religion,its in peril!!!

    Tujhe ab yeh inko dikhana hai.

    Barse chaahe woh barse aag,lipte chaahe peron se laag,paayega joh lakshya hai tera,.

    tuu chal yun hi ab subaha shaama rukana jhukana nahin tera kaam,paayega joh lakshya hai tera........

    lakshya ko har haal mein paana hai.

    You shall succeed if you educate ever1 about our problem.

  8. I'm Hindu's not a bad religion, really. The most important thing is, do YOU want to convert...Nepal is a Hindu state, so you do have company.

  9. Convertion from one religion to another makes no difference if ignorance remains as it is. Convert yourself to Spiritulism and consult before taking any wrong decision.This is my good wish for you.

  10. good joke!!! .....haha

    u know christians in india ?  less than 1 %

    % of muslims in india  ? 10 %

    most people who get converted are very very poor, who dont have anything to christian missionary brainwash them to convert

  11. I converted to Islam about 15 years ago because Hinduism, to me, lost its ability to distinguish between mythology and reality. Christianity, to me, seemed like human worship which was nothing very different from Hinduism. When I came to Islam I found out that it is the only religion which practices the worship of God alone AND does not discriminate based on birth, caste, nationality, culture, etc. I, as an Indian would be equal to any Arab regardless of any social status, etc. So simply put, if you want a no-nonsense religion, choose Islam. There is no worship of duality, trinity, infinity, etc.

  12. check out islam and christianity and ask GOD guidance

    that what i would do  :)



  13. Hi Nirmal,there is no need to be in a dilemma as we do not know if the 60% thing is a fact.If you want to convert that is really up to you.But if you need to choose another "religion" I think you should not go by the number of people who follow a particular "religion" but you could read the holy books of other "religions'' , see the behavior of the people who follow a particular faith and then make a choice.

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