
I am in a fairly new complex, where there is now becoming a lot of drama. Insinuations about missing garb can

by Guest45465  |  earlier

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We recently moved in to get out of a worse part of the island. We have had our arguments but nothing to warrant the cops or anything. However, it seems that because we are the newbee's we are not liked. That is how I feel. The neighbor has said loudly "someone stole our garbage can". I think she thinks we stole her garbage can. This morning the owner of the property came to our back screen door and said "did you smell weed?". I said pot? No, you can come in then he asked the neighbor who has implied garbage can stealing; they seem to be very disturbed about this. The owner was on his cell and told whom ever made the complaint various things, however they seem really to have been bothered by this. I hope they don't think we said we smelled weed, cause I told him I didn't . Besides I am not that much of a Mrs. Cravitz to me so preoccupied with others business. I really don't care want they do as long as I have some peace. Boyfriend says mind own bus., however I feel the vibe




  1. You are being paranoid.  What you infer may not be what people imply.  You boyfriend is right, don't worry about it.

  2. You could always have a meet the neighbor get together and try and bury the hatchet so to speak.  Some people just love drama though.  Good luck.


    Grzzbr1 has an excellent take on this too.

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