
I am in a new person at the school and i have to open lockers all the time what should i do ????

by  |  earlier

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i have 2to4 kids locker i have to open and i am late fore class all the time!! what should i do??




  1. go early in the morning and get all the stuff u need  

  2. Why do you have to open other kids lockers?  

  3. maybe tell them you will be late, and to ask a teacher.

    Or explain your situation to your teachers, and let them know that you are help other students get their lockers open, and ask if it is ok that you are late sometimes, cause the students need your help.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!


  4. tell them no

    say sorry but I'm going to be late ask a teacher for help or something but i really have to go

    and once that their late b/c they don't know how to open their lockers and they stay their messing w/ them they'll eventually learn on their own.

  5. carry your stuff or just dont open a locker.

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